Each traveleris responsible for reporting currency and/or monetary instruments totaling CAN$10,000 or more that are in his or heractual possession or baggage
浏览附件418583 Each traveleris responsible for reporting currency and/or monetary instruments totaling CAN$10,000 or more that are in his or heractual possession or baggage
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of Part 2 of the PCMLTFA which requires every person or entity to report to a CBSA officer the importation or exportation of currency or monetary instruments valued at CAN$10,000 or more.
最上面的黑体字 I am /we are 是一个通用的抬头,一人时用 I am, 多人时用we are. 但是,就像law 是一个框架,每个地方还有by law一样,每一项的选择还要看这一项有没有具体的解释,而这10,000元是有具体解释的,就是左侧用红框框出的,它已经说的很清楚了,是each traveller, 所以要根据具体解释来填。
bigeye : 2016-02-19#19
谷歌 : 2016-02-19#20
Each traveller is responsible for his or her own declaration. Each traveller is responsible for reporting currency and/or monetary instruments totaling CAN$10,000 or more that are in his or her actual possession or baggage