


大饼子 : 2016-04-06#1




昨天晚十一点左右我收到了香港总领事馆的邮件,就是那封标题写着Application for Permanent Residence的电邮。当时完全不知道是怎么个概念啊。。。又让我补交各种我已经交过的材料,到底是啥意思?QQ图片20160406134143.png

当然了,我也看到上面写着 “if,if not yet”等字眼也就是说如果我在递交申请的时候已经有了这些文件的话我就不用再交一次了。可是根据文中那句“the first part is a request fro documentation that requires your immediate action”和 “the above documents must be received in our office within 30 days from the date if this letter.”来看,咱们就必须要再次上交这些文件。 :wdb2:

不过继续读下去你会发现“If you fail to comply with this requirement, a decision concerning your application will be made based upon the information already submitted with this
application. ” 额。。。你这不是废话么。。。咱们正常人的理解就是如果我的文件有缺失,CIC应该根据我所缺失的材料进行索要。哎。。。。



二零一六年二月三日CIC Mississauga收到申请
二零一六年三月十八日接到第一封邮件 ,确认Sponsor合格。申请转至香港
Client Application Status显示Medical results have been received




Cavis : 2016-04-06#2

热能老工 : 2016-04-06#3
我的case和你一样,准备明天交。我感觉准备材料很不容易,我已经准备了不下二个月了。感觉材料好多。我现在做到每个supporting document都做标题,让移民官能看懂。我感觉你是不是文件交了,但是很乱?我的感觉如果我的文件不做标题,移民官肯定是要看疯了。 另外我想问你一下,体检报告准备后面交,你的体检报告是不是后来补交的?补交是需要交到哪里?

luf_7_6 : 2016-04-07#4
我的case和你一样,准备明天交。我感觉准备材料很不容易,我已经准备了不下二个月了。感觉材料好多。我现在做到每个supporting document都做标题,让移民官能看懂。我感觉你是不是文件交了,但是很乱?我的感觉如果我的文件不做标题,移民官肯定是要看疯了。 另外我想问你一下,体检报告准备后面交,你的体检报告是不是后来补交的?补交是需要交到哪里?

辣啤都行 : 2016-04-07#5

大饼子 : 2016-04-07#6
我的case和你一样,准备明天交。我感觉准备材料很不容易,我已经准备了不下二个月了。感觉材料好多。我现在做到每个supporting document都做标题,让移民官能看懂。我感觉你是不是文件交了,但是很乱?我的感觉如果我的文件不做标题,移民官肯定是要看疯了。 另外我想问你一下,体检报告准备后面交,你的体检报告是不是后来补交的?补交是需要交到哪里?

大饼子 : 2016-04-08#7
我的case和你一样,准备明天交。我感觉准备材料很不容易,我已经准备了不下二个月了。感觉材料好多。我现在做到每个supporting document都做标题,让移民官能看懂。我感觉你是不是文件交了,但是很乱?我的感觉如果我的文件不做标题,移民官肯定是要看疯了。 另外我想问你一下,体检报告准备后面交,你的体检报告是不是后来补交的?补交是需要交到哪里?

我一共交了三个文件夹:sponsor documents, sponsed person documents, supporting document. 然后每个文件夹里的内容都有目录,按照checklist 上的顺序排列,每份文件都按页码标号,用彩色签贴上,要找哪份直接看标签。所以应该不是乱的问题。。。

大饼子 : 2016-04-08#8
我的case和你一样,准备明天交。我感觉准备材料很不容易,我已经准备了不下二个月了。感觉材料好多。我现在做到每个supporting document都做标题,让移民官能看懂。我感觉你是不是文件交了,但是很乱?我的感觉如果我的文件不做标题,移民官肯定是要看疯了。 另外我想问你一下,体检报告准备后面交,你的体检报告是不是后来补交的?补交是需要交到哪里?


Cavis : 2016-04-08#9


大饼子 : 2016-04-08#10


大饼子 : 2016-04-08#11


温东仔 : 2016-04-13#12

热能老工 : 2016-04-14#13

喵了个咪123 : 2016-04-14#14

大饼子 : 2016-04-16#15

那您的CIC上显示是 In process么?

大饼子 : 2016-04-16#16


喵了个咪123 : 2016-04-17#17
那您的CIC上显示是 In process么?

小糯米 : 2016-04-19#18

大饼子 : 2016-04-30#19

小糯米 : 2016-04-30#20

大饼子 : 2016-05-01#21

老花 : 2016-06-23#22


刚收到和楼主一样的邮件了,产生了和楼主一样的疑问。 邮件里列出来的需要补交的东西基本上都递交了的,只有一个好像不全面。但是从香港邮件的加粗字体来看,又像是人工处理文件后电脑系统自行生成的一封邮件,看着是差不多,但每个人的又有区别。
目前打算把自己明确已递交过得公证(比如公安户口的公证照片等),回信说明已提交。 不确定的再补充。好在自己有一份全部材料的复印件,除了原版照片没有,其他都有COPY件)。BACKUP真的很重要。

(1) 国内指定的体检是当时只给了一个体检回执的单子,并不是结果,医院说他们负责发到香港CIC。你也是一样的吗?
(3) 到现在为止去CIC网站查状态,用UCI号,被担保人姓,出生国家及日期,从来没成功过。你能看到吗?
(4)邮寄香港,用什么比较安全? DHL,UPS, 中国邮政挂号?


This message is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada as a member of the family class. Your file has now been transferred to the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong for further processing.

This letter is comprised of two parts: the first part is a request for documentation that requires your immediate action. The second part contains general information which you should carefully review.


In order to prepare your application for further processing, the following documentation must be received by our office within 30 days from the date of this letter:

For the principal applicant and all dependents, whether accompanying you to Canada or not:

If you have not yet undergone an immigration medical exam or your immigration medical exam results will expire within the next 120 days, you are required to undergo an Upfront Medical exam and include a copy of the Upfront Medical Report form (IMM 1017B) from your panel physician. For instructions on how to undergo an upfront medical exam, visit: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/medical/medexams-perm.asp and review the section “Undergo your exam before you submit your application.” Medical instruction forms will not be sent to you.

If not yet submitted: Copy of Hukou (household register) if you reside in the People’s Republic of China or Taiwan, accompanied by a notarized translation into either English or French. Translation must be part of the notarized booklet.

If not yet submitted: Copy of the bio-data page of your valid passport. DO NOT submit your original passport at this time.

If not yet submitted: Two (2) recent photos respecting precise specifications that can be found at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/pdf/5445EB-e.pdf

For the principal applicant and all dependents 18 and over, whether accompanying you to Canada or not:

Updated Schedule A Background/Declaration form (IMM 5669): You must declare your personal history and addresses from the age of 18 (not only the past 10 years).

Updated Additional Family Information form (IMM 5406)

If not yet submitted: Original police certificates from each country in which you have spent 6 consecutive months or more since the age of 18. For instructions on how to obtain police certificates for specific countries, click here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp. If you are unable to submit police certificate(s) within the 30 day deadline, submit proof of having applied for the certificate with your package.

For the principal applicant:

If not yet paid and not exempt: Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF). To avoid processing delays, we strongly encourage you to pay your fees online and to submit a copy of your receipt to our office. For information regarding fees and exemptions, click here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/fees/index.asp.

For all dependent children, whether accompanying or not:

If not yet submitted: Copy of the original hospital birth certificate. For children born in the People’s Republic of China: You must submit a notarized copy of the original hospital birth certificate issued by the PRC Ministry of Health (If this is not available, you must submit an explanation as to why this document cannot be submitted).

For all dependent* children 19 and over, whether accompanying or not:

Evidence that (s)he has been continuously enrolled in and attending a post-secondary institution that is accredited by the relevant government authority, and that (s)he is actively pursuing a course of academic, professional or vocational training on a full-time basis. Documentation must include transcripts.

Evidence that (s)he is unable to be financially self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition.

*Note: To review the definition of a dependent child, please visit: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/2014-06-23.asp

Please submit all the requested documents with a copy of this letter in a single package. If there are any documents you are unable to submit in your package, please include a detailed explanation.

All documents must be in either English or French. Any documents not in English or French must be accompanied by a certified translation.

The above documents must be received in our office within 30 days from the date of this letter. If you fail to comply with this requirement, a decision concerning your application will be made based upon the information already submitted with this application. This may result in the refusal of your application.

老花 : 2016-06-23#23
我一共交了三个文件夹:sponsor documents, sponsed person documents, supporting document. 然后每个文件夹里的内容都有目录,按照checklist 上的顺序排列,每份文件都按页码标号,用彩色签贴上,要找哪份直接看标签。所以应该不是乱的问题。。。


大饼子 : 2016-07-07#24
刚收到和楼主一样的邮件了,产生了和楼主一样的疑问。 邮件里列出来的需要补交的东西基本上都递交了的,只有一个好像不全面。但是从香港邮件的加粗字体来看,又像是人工处理文件后电脑系统自行生成的一封邮件,看着是差不多,但每个人的又有区别。
目前打算把自己明确已递交过得公证(比如公安户口的公证照片等),回信说明已提交。 不确定的再补充。好在自己有一份全部材料的复印件,除了原版照片没有,其他都有COPY件)。BACKUP真的很重要。

(1) 国内指定的体检是当时只给了一个体检回执的单子,并不是结果,医院说他们负责发到香港CIC。你也是一样的吗?
(3) 到现在为止去CIC网站查状态,用UCI号,被担保人姓,出生国家及日期,从来没成功过。你能看到吗?
(4)邮寄香港,用什么比较安全? DHL,UPS, 中国邮政挂号?


This message is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada as a member of the family class. Your file has now been transferred to the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong for further processing.

This letter is comprised of two parts: the first part is a request for documentation that requires your immediate action. The second part contains general information which you should carefully review.


In order to prepare your application for further processing, the following documentation must be received by our office within 30 days from the date of this letter:

For the principal applicant and all dependents, whether accompanying you to Canada or not:

If you have not yet undergone an immigration medical exam or your immigration medical exam results will expire within the next 120 days, you are required to undergo an Upfront Medical exam and include a copy of the Upfront Medical Report form (IMM 1017B) from your panel physician. For instructions on how to undergo an upfront medical exam, visit: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/medical/medexams-perm.asp and review the section “Undergo your exam before you submit your application.” Medical instruction forms will not be sent to you.

If not yet submitted: Copy of Hukou (household register) if you reside in the People’s Republic of China or Taiwan, accompanied by a notarized translation into either English or French. Translation must be part of the notarized booklet.

If not yet submitted: Copy of the bio-data page of your valid passport. DO NOT submit your original passport at this time.

If not yet submitted: Two (2) recent photos respecting precise specifications that can be found at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/pdf/5445EB-e.pdf

For the principal applicant and all dependents 18 and over, whether accompanying you to Canada or not:

Updated Schedule A Background/Declaration form (IMM 5669): You must declare your personal history and addresses from the age of 18 (not only the past 10 years).

Updated Additional Family Information form (IMM 5406)

If not yet submitted: Original police certificates from each country in which you have spent 6 consecutive months or more since the age of 18. For instructions on how to obtain police certificates for specific countries, click here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp. If you are unable to submit police certificate(s) within the 30 day deadline, submit proof of having applied for the certificate with your package.

For the principal applicant:

If not yet paid and not exempt: Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF). To avoid processing delays, we strongly encourage you to pay your fees online and to submit a copy of your receipt to our office. For information regarding fees and exemptions, click here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/fees/index.asp.

For all dependent children, whether accompanying or not:

If not yet submitted: Copy of the original hospital birth certificate. For children born in the People’s Republic of China: You must submit a notarized copy of the original hospital birth certificate issued by the PRC Ministry of Health (If this is not available, you must submit an explanation as to why this document cannot be submitted).

For all dependent* children 19 and over, whether accompanying or not:

Evidence that (s)he has been continuously enrolled in and attending a post-secondary institution that is accredited by the relevant government authority, and that (s)he is actively pursuing a course of academic, professional or vocational training on a full-time basis. Documentation must include transcripts.

Evidence that (s)he is unable to be financially self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition.

*Note: To review the definition of a dependent child, please visit: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/2014-06-23.asp

Please submit all the requested documents with a copy of this letter in a single package. If there are any documents you are unable to submit in your package, please include a detailed explanation.

All documents must be in either English or French. Any documents not in English or French must be accompanied by a certified translation.

The above documents must be received in our office within 30 days from the date of this letter. If you fail to comply with this requirement, a decision concerning your application will be made based upon the information already submitted with this application. This may result in the refusal of your application.




huangak : 2016-09-08#25

大饼子 : 2016-10-03#26

huangak : 2016-10-04#27