


白恶魔 : 2016-11-08#1

NiuJun : 2016-11-08#2

Determining eligibility

Visitors are a class of temporary resident who are legally authorized to enter Canada temporarily to holiday, visit family, conduct business, etc. They are restricted in length of stay and are subject to various other conditions.

This application guide is for temporary residents who are already in Canada and wish to:

  • extend their stay;
  • change conditions of their stay; or
  • correct problems in their status.
If your current temporary resident status is still valid you can apply for an extension of your stay. For any permit, you should always apply at least 30 days before your current status expires. Your original temporary status as a visitor continues under the same conditions until your application is finalized and you have been notified of the decision.

白恶魔 : 2016-11-08#3