一直以来(今年尤其多)海外华人、尤其是加拿大华人的离奇失踪案都是悲剧结果,除了澳大利亚冷梦梅案、多伦多李迎春案凶嫌归案,其他的大概都是死不瞑目的冤案:崔晓明、李建萍母子、陈慧、Florence Leung!没有死者只言片语,单凭案件利害相关人士强加的一面之词,警方凭什么以“抑郁自杀”结案?!更有甚者,Winnipeg已经出了COPYCAT案例,为什么?就是因为这些案件大都不了了之,以后只怕会愈演愈烈!
We, Chinese Community in Canada, Say No!
In many Canadian-Chinese Online social medias, people are being astonished by a series of tragic missing cases: Florence Leung, Lucy Hui Chen, Xiao Ming Cui, Jian Ping Li and her son, and now we heard that Maggie Liu has been missing since October 30, 2016.
Not only do we know much about how suspicious the stories are, but what even more remarkable is the self-contradictory testimonies given by some of the family members or so-called friends seemed so easily blinded the police to close the cases with the conclusion of the victims’ so-called “post-partum depression”, regardless those survived people’s strange and illogic behaviours.
From the press, we know that Maggie Liu’s husband gave the almost same testimony as Lucy Hui Chen’s boyfriend gave: the victim “disappeared in the night after they went to sleep and left behind her wallet and credit cards”. The very same person also described Maggie Liu’s wearing as “a gray jacket, dark-coloured pants and dark shoes”. Nevertheless, the contradictory testimonies seemed to be overlooked.
Speak of Florence Leung Case, without a single word left by the victim, but with a post-partum depression picture painted by the husband who could not have figured out whether his wife was able to travel to Toronto, pleaded publicly with his wife, pretending she were hiding in Toronto, the police said “foul play is not suspected”, despite the fact that the victim was still looking for food 9 hours after she left home which means she did not give up her life; despite the fact that the victim kept herself warm with a winter jacket, turns out, her body was found in cold water. The press or the police could not be bothered to question whether the husband concerned himself with his wife’s safety during the first 9 hours; they overlooked the fact that most of the remark given by the husband was about how depress his wife was, not focused on how can we find her; they overlooked the small smile came over the husband’s face during the gathering he held for his wife and yet, they concluded “foul play is not suspected”!
Maggie Liu’s missing seems a copycat case inspired by Lucy Hui Chen’s case. Given the place where Lucy Hui Chen’s body was found, the police was clearly being misled by somebody. Did they re-investigate the case? I doubt. And here we are, having another missing case with almost the same scenario! Why not? A happy ending for a murderer can always inspire many other devils who received a clear message from the police: Chinese lives do not matter; post-partum depression can apply to all the missing cases in Chinese community because they cannot express themselves in our language, they care nothing other than working hard for a better life!
NO! Brexit and Trump’s victory wake up the little people, ordinary people and minority people in the world, including us, Chinese communities across Canada.
Here is our message: We, Chinese people, the most law-abiding community in Canada, have been silent all the time when all kinds of injustice fall on us as if this is as it should be, but we will not take it anymore, because of Brexit, because of Trump’s victory, because we share the same value as you do: LIVES MATTER! SO DO WE CHINESE LIVES!
-justiceQC/律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese), the first one who translated Quebec Business Corporations Act (2011) into Chinese, a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!