“*花速成律师“, 改头换面也改不了你为自己的欺骗行为辩护的劣根性,等着你泼污水,但我就是要为举报人叫好!从弄虚作假、扯出惊天大案的移民律师,到撒谎撒出两个版本的“*花速成律师”, 中国人的名声就是被你们这样的败类败坏的!“*花速成律师“的异曲同工:
(从41:06往后看, 她说她在北京做了26年律师,也就是说1990年她就是律师了?!)
楼主这中文水平,自说培训是“黑幕”,你还能更高级黑点吗?什么PEQ培训? 你给的新闻链接根本没有说到什么PEQ, 这莫非是自家人爆料的节奏?
说到UPAC, they couldn't be bothered to look into Marque d'Or, Thomson Reuters and ask them how many requests for which the company billed its clients for fraudulent government fees?
justiceQC/律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese), 《魁北克新公司法》中法英三语对照及麻辣诠释第一人!吾心自有光明月,千古团圆水无缺!the first one who translated Quebec Business Corporations Act (2011) into Chinese, a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada! http://yes-justice-seeking.tumblr.com/