今天预约了一个有移民局认可的移民帮助机构的义工做ture copy认证,顺便帮看了材料,回答是现在的材料要求已经精简到最低限度。根据checklist做就可以,只需要5个材料,护照不用认证,不用复印盖章页,只需要复印信息页即可,CIC的网站指导写明可选择提供(1)有效的护照your valid passport or travel document ,OR(2)如果入境护照已经过期或者不用the passport or travel document you had,需要附件当时入境成为PR的入境章页面,OR(3)其他。
CIC网页指导关于main identity document说明如下:
One (1) main identity document
A photocopy of one of the following:
your valid passport or travel document or
the passport or travel document you had when you became a permanent resident (including the passport page that was stamped when you arrived in Canada and became a permanent resident) or
the certificate of identity or travel document issued by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada or a foreign country.