入籍申请的文件核表(Document Checklist)中,第三条是“photocopies of biological pages of passports and/or travel documents covering the five (5) years immediately before the date of your application....Note: If your passport validity was extended, include a photocopy of the pages containing extension stamps.”
这句话中的If your passport validity was extended是什么意思?extension stamps又是什么?
我现在的护照是史上第二本,我的第一本护照6年半前过期,然后换了这个。在目前护照的某页,有公安部出入境管理局的红章,并有一句话“备注:护照持有人曾持有第Gxxxxxxxx号护照。”这页东西属于护照validity was extented吗?我是否该提供这一页的复印件?
如果需要,我是否需要提供旧护照的照片页复印件?那本旧护照是6年多前的,不属于5 years immediately before the date of my application.