


福至心灵 : 2017-12-15#1
现有一个实例,大家分析一下是否可行。一熟人入籍后还有有效的中国护照+十年美签,以前每次只能经美国西雅图往返北京温哥华,每次要多五六个小时往返西雅图和温哥华,机票也比从温哥华往返北京贵。今年设想从加航订Multi City的机票回国,即从温哥华----北京,再从北京经温哥华转机到西雅图(加航AC030转AC8097)。回程到达加拿大温哥华后,不再乘坐温哥华到西雅图航段,直接用加拿大护照进关回家(没有托运行李)。票价比海航或达美公司同时间的机票还便宜,关键是节省了往返西雅图-温哥华的时间。




  (二)搭乘指定航空公司(加拿大航空Air Canada、Air Canada Rouge、中国国际航空Air China、加拿大西捷航空WestJet、香港国泰航空Cathay Pacific、中国南方航空China Southern、菲律宾航空Philippine Airlines、加拿大爵士乐航空Jazz Air、加拿大快运航空Sky Regional Airlines Inc.、加拿大格鲁吉亚航空Air Georgian)的飞机;

  (三)从加拿大温哥华国际机场(Vancouver International Airport)或多伦多皮尔逊国际机场1号航站楼(Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, Terminal 1 only)过境;


Determine your eligibility – China Transit Program

You may be able to transit through Canada without a Canadian visa if you:

  • are from China and
  • plan to fly through Canada to or from the United States.
As a traveller, you don’t need to apply for this program. But, you need to meet all the conditions below.

Note: Your airline must verify that you are eligible for the program before you board your flight to Canada.

What to do if you aren’t eligible
If you don’t meet all the requirements below, you need to apply for a transit visa.

If you plan to travel to the United States
To be eligible
, you need to:

  1. have these documents:
    • a valid U.S. visa
    • a valid passport from People’s Republic of China
      • (Note: not issued by Hong Kong or Macao Special Administrative Regions) and
    • a confirmed airline ticket to the U.S. that leaves Canada the same day you arrive
  2. travel with an airline that takes part in the program
  3. depart from certain cities in Asia
  4. travel through specific Canadian airports
  5. not leave the Canadian airport during your stopover, except to board your flight
  6. arrive during business hours (hours may vary at each airport) for the preclearance area run by United States Customs and Border Protection
    1. if you arrive outside of these hours, you will no longer qualify under this program. You will have to go to the Canada Border Services Agency to be screened. You should check your flight connections with the airline.

WARERPOWER : 2017-12-16#2