
BARRIE 二月份 2019房地产成交数据分享


Grace百里地产 : 2019-03-22#1
2019年的二月份,BARRIE以成交平均价$475,832显示了春季的房地产回温迹象。 共售出的数量为107套, 与一月份总成交量比较,二月份总增长4.9%.价格总增长2.9%。

而在整个SIMCOE区,总共售掉房源数量为227套。均价为$507,706. 与1月份相比,增长20.7%,从而显示出强烈的春季复苏迹象。与一月份的成交均价相比,也有4.5%的显著增长。

原文出自BARRIE 地产局如下:

Simcoe County The number of units sold increased 6.9% as compared to the year before. A total of 277 units were sold in February. However, the average price of units sold remained stagnant at approximately +1.3%, with the average price of units sold at $507,706.

City of Barrie Within the City of Barrie, the number of units sold declined 24.6% from February 2018. This contrasts the steady growth in total Simcoe County (+6.9%). A total of 107 units were sold within Barrie during February 2019. The average price of the units sold in Barrie last month was $475,832. This average price is approximately the same as last year, with only approximately 2.9% growth. This growth is greater than the total Simcoe region (+1.3%). Residential sales in Barrie accounted for 38.6% of the units sold in Simcoe County. This is 16.2 share points less than what Barrie accounted for in February 2018.

Simcoe County Excluding Barrie In the areas of Simcoe County excluding Barrie, there were a total of 170 units sold during February 2019. This is a 45.3% growth from the same time last year. This growth is much greater than the total growth in Simcoe County (+6.9%). The average price of units sold outside of Barrie was $528,327 last month, and this is 0.2% greater than the average price in February 2018. This growth is along the same lines as the stagnant growth of the total Simcoe region (+0.2%)
