Police Certificate: Please provide an original police clearance certificate from China. 而在网上的account里,给了这个资料的上传位置。 到底是寄过去还是网上上传啊?
Medical: Please complete or provide proof of completion of the Immigration medical examination.是体检的医院直接发给移民局的吗?
信中补充说到,Please send us scanned versions of the requested documents. Please do not submit originals, unless otherwise stated, as documents submitted will not be returned.
咪兔 : 2019-03-25#2
Medical 这个我confirm了,说明里有。
Once your medical examination has been completed the Panel Physician will submit medical results to IRCC for
assessment. To obtain a copy of your Immigration Medical Examination please ask the panel physician at the time of
your appointment.
I called IRCC. They confirmed the scanned documents work. They also told me that many people called them about that as in the letter they indicated "provide original policy certificate". It is confusing ...
Thanks for your reply!