


kdellis : 2019-05-16#1



kdellis : 2019-05-22#2

风中凌乱的男子 : 2019-05-22#3
没有通勤需求的太容易了。查城市各个区域的 家庭收入数据,就可以选择了

v2 : 2019-05-22#4

There are more than 180 residential neighbourhoods in the City of Calgary. Most of us know only a few of them well — where we live, where we work, maybe a couple others that we visit frequently. But it’s hard to know a lot about all of them, so we’ve tried to do some of the heavy lifting and provide a bit of insight into a variety of Calgary’s best neighbourhoods. From the inner city to the city limits, the very small (Roxboro has fewer than 400 residents) to the very large (almost 26,000 people in Panorama Hills), from neighbourhoods with mountain views to those with river access — there are a variety of great places to live across Calgary.

By necessity, this is a data-driven response to what the average respondent is looking for in a place to live. But ultimately, for most of us, what makes a neighbourhood speak to us is subjective and very personal. What makes a neighbourhood the perfect place for you to live is often a matter of personal taste — being close to friends, loving a particular street or the look of a particular home. But what makes a neighbourhood a great place to live for most Calgarians? What characteristics and amenities are the most desirable to most of us? And which neighbourhoods provide the best of the best? That’s the question we try to answer each year with our Best Neighbourhoods survey and rankings.

The survey, administered by Leger, asked respondents what was most and least important to them in comparing a variety of aspects of communities including crime rate, parks, recreation facilities, community engagement, walkability and more. Using a max-differential analysis, Leger calculated the weighting of each characteristic and amenity. Then, using data we collected from a variety of third-party sources including the City of Calgary, the Calgary Police Service, Walk Score and others, Leger ranked the city’s neighbourhoods.
Methodology: Read more about how this list was determined.

Here are the results
1. Beltline

Restaurant points: 288 ♦ Recreation facility points: 54 ♦ Engagement score: 93.73
Walk Score: 90 ♦ Transit Score: 76
Population in 2017: 23,219 ♦ Community size: 2.9 km² ♦ People per km²: 8,007
Person crimes per 1,000 people: 29.98 ♦ Property crimes per 1,000 people: 348.68
2. Arbour Lake

Restaurant points: 56 ♦ Recreation facility points: 87 ♦ Engagement score: 95.95
Walk Score: 46 ♦ Transit Score: 43
Population in 2017: 10,713 ♦ Community size: 4.4 km² ♦ People per km²: 2,435
Person crimes per 1,000 people: 7.28 ♦ Property crimes per 1,000 people: 73.74
3. Hamptons

Restaurant points: 2 ♦ Recreation facility points: 30 ♦ Engagement score: 59.50
Walk Score: 36 ♦ Transit Score: 35
Population in 2017: 7,567 ♦ Community size: 3.5 km² ♦ People per km²: 2,202
Person crimes per 1,000 people: 1.85 ♦ Property crimes per 1,000 people: 16.12
4. Signal Hill

Restaurant points: 42 ♦ Recreation facility points: 62 ♦ Engagement score: 74.50
Walk Score: 57 ♦ Transit Score: 42
Population in 2017: 13,533 ♦ Community size: 5.6 km² ♦ People per km²: 2,431
Person crimes per 1,000 people: 5.62 ♦ Property crimes per 1,000 people: 54.76
5. Bowness

Restaurant points: 31 ♦ Recreation facility points: 68 ♦ Engagement score: 106.71
Walk Score: 57 ♦ Transit Score: 38
Population in 2017: 10,895 ♦ Community size: 5.6 km² ♦ People per km²: 1,946
Person crimes per 1,000 people: 19.64 ♦ Property crimes per 1,000 people: 137.68
6. Edgemont

Restaurant points: 14 ♦ Recreation facility points: 73 ♦ Engagement score: 86.75
Walk Score: 33 ♦ Transit Score: 37
Population in 2017: 15,701 ♦ Community size: 6.6 km² ♦ People per km²: 2,380
Person crimes per 1,000 people: 2.67 ♦ Property crimes per 1,000 people: 32.67
7. Crescent Heights

Restaurant points: 38 ♦ Recreation facility points: 55 ♦ Engagement score: 66.78
Walk Score: 79 ♦ Transit Score: 66
Population in 2017: 6,197 ♦ Community size: 1.6 km² ♦ People per km²: 3,811
Person crimes per 1,000 people: 17.43 ♦ Property crimes per 1,000 people: 183.80
8. Brentwood

Restaurant points: 29 ♦ Recreation facility points: 97 ♦ Engagement score: 68.63
Walk Score: 59 ♦ Transit Score: 57
Population in 2017: 7,132 ♦ Community size: 2.9 km² ♦ People per km²: 2,459
Person crimes per 1,000 people: 9.53 ♦ Property crimes per 1,000 people: 89.18

澳门首家线上赌场开业啦 : 2019-05-23#5


bowness:房子有可能进过水有霉菌。铁路干线,轰隆隆的重型机车晚上去听听就知道了,每天各种运油运化工品的车子经过,这里各种white trash聚集不是没有原因的。

betline: 毒品注射点,一大票药虫出没,走在路上小心踩到针头

lcsxwtian : 2019-05-23#6
楼主可以考虑在卡成华人网找房子。个人觉得Arbour Lake不错。
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卡西北 : 2019-05-25#7


Hampton,edgemont,varsity estate等等西北这一大片应该都符合你的要求。小孩室内玩的地方,要么就是mall里,或者图书馆。别去bowness,老社区,居民平均文化层次低,到不一定是坏人,反正你肯定不希望让自己小孩和那些孩子做朋友。

chechecheche : 2019-06-03#8


新移民还是离c train站近一些好, MW或SW都好,具体离daycare距离需要自己去现场看吧。孩子小还是离downtown远一点好。

tinyhuhulp : 2019-06-07#9
楼主一去就买车,又在家上班,还考虑什么ctrain。hamptons很好。西北那片定位最高的社区了。landfill正下方的citadel生活中都不受影响,不要说价位高出一个level的hamptons。小孩小可以考虑citadel, hawkwood,和arbor lakr。其中arbor lake最方便。社区内有个人工湖可以划船。小区外面有crowfoot mall,餐厅超市clinic实验室电影院都齐了。有ctrain,有图书馆有YMCA. 整个house租下来1700-2000。老婆还可以搞搞dayhome。
追求学区可以去edgemont和hamptons。附近有室内Tommykplay和costco。初中tom brains, 高中丘吉尔。
另外一个可以跟arbor lake比的是panorama。没有ctrain但是有301快线到downtown。附近有大mall,有图书馆有vivo。西南类似的区是signal hill。