ECAS找不到我的case 已经 试了各种组合 都不行
已经打电话给移民局 他们 确认已经收到我的application 资料也都没错
移民局电话里面说ecas找不到是technical 问题 他们解决不了 让我 填webform 有人会帮我解决. 但是我填了几次 都是自动回复说 让我再去填 (还是webform) 于是我再去填 但是又收到一样的自动回复 再填还是一样的回复 如此一直循环.....
下面是 他们的自动回复 回复里面说please fill out the
IRCC Web form 我就填了这个webform 提供 screen shot 然后她有回复我一样的邮件。。。
Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
We are sorry that you are experiencing difficulties consulting the status of your application through the
e-Client Application Status (e-CAS) online service.
There are several reasons that may cause this technical difficulty. Most commonly, it happens because the personal information entered is incorrect, outdated or belongs to someone else, such as a family member.
If you are still experiencing difficulties after verifying this information, please fill out the
IRCC Web form and choose
Technical difficulties located in the drop down menu under the heading
Please add
screen shots showing the full browser window, including the website address field of the:
- Page you are trying to access,
- Error messages you received, and
- All the answers provided while trying to view your application status.
We will be pleased to answer your enquiry once we receive this information.
We hope the information provided is helpful in assisting you with your enquiry.