1. 境内延期或身份恢复申请拒签本身不是什么不良记录,拒签后,只要尽快离境,是完全不影响之后再次申请签证或入境的。但是被拒签后继续滞留就不是什么好记录了,以后再申请签证时候,滞留记录是要写进去的,这个必定会影响签证过签率。但是这个对同居伴侣团聚是否是决定性影响,回答是不一定,因为境内配偶或同居伴侣申请,在婚姻真实其他条件都符合情况下,没有加拿大合法身份也可以。
Lawful temporary resident status in Canada
To be eligible to become members of the class, applicants in the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class must have valid temporary resident status on the date of application and on the date they receive permanent resident status.
Exemption from requirement to have temporary resident status
The spousal public policy facilitates the processing of genuine out-of-status spouses or common-law partners in the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class who meet the other eligibility requirements of the class. Applicants who are covered under the public policy should be processed according to the provisions of the spousal public policy.
Applicants who do not have temporary resident status and who are not eligible under the spousal public policy can be removed at any time. Further, the spousal policy does not change the requirement to seek necessary authorization to visit Canada or to work or study here.
If the applicant cannot be exempted from the legal temporary resident status requirement under the spousal public policy they may request an exemption from the requirement to have temporary resident status in Canada on
Humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
2. 目前这个情况下离境,对你的境内团聚申请来说,是有影响的。
There is no guarantee that foreign nationals who have left Canada after submitting an application under the Spouse or Common-law Partner in Canada class will be allowed to return to or re-enter Canada. If they are unable to do so, their application for permanent residence may be refused because they are not cohabiting with their spouse or common-law partner at the time the case is finalized [R72(1)(d) and R124(a)].
It may be appropriate to counsel applicants who are outside Canada to withdraw their spouse or common-law partner in Canada class application and have the sponsor submit a new Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking to the CPC-Mississauga (CPC-M).
3. 对OWP申请可能有影响,下方是境内团聚移民的OWP的申请资质要求,其中要求您有valid temporary resident status。
Work and study permits
Applicants under this class are eligible to be issued an open work permit if they meet all of the following requirements:
- a permanent resident application has been submitted pursuant to the Spouse or Common-law partner in Canada class
- the applicant resides at the same address as the sponsor
- the applicant has valid temporary resident status (as a visitor, student or worker)
- a Canadian citizen or permanent resident spouse has submitted a sponsorship application on their behalf