因为是online banking,营业部的人说他们没有权限处理,没有face to face的服务,还是要通过电话。好吧,我直觉没戏,但我愿意试一下。内部电话直接打通,早知道我早来了,哼。对方听上去是个老先生,我说我worry呀worry,他马上被我打动了,耐心询问,核实,承诺不charge我,给我换新卡,立刻激起我对加拿大的爱意,人性的光辉又回来啦,老先生,难道你们不是一家的吗?怎么没统一口径?done,我记住了他的工号,4056,这是我的幸运号码。
Disclaimer: ca-immigrationforms.com is not a law firm and does not provide any legal services but general information and self-help services regarding issues commonly encountered when dealing with immigration to Canada. This company in not affiliated with the Canadian government or any government agency. We do not represent any legal authority nor do we purport to act as legal counsel or advisor or any other form of legal representation. Our company provides a self-help software, and information, which assists with the process of how to correctly complete an immigration form. We only provide technical support in connection with the latter. This company or its services, are not a substitute for and do not replace legal advice. Clients may request a refund, as long as they meet the requirements stated in the Refund Policy.