1,Both Canada and Taiwan reported their first presumptive cases of coronavirus within days of each other in January, but by March they had diverged sharply in the number of infections reported. 台湾和加拿大汇报第一例确诊病例的日期相差几日,都在1月份,但是到了3月已截然不同。
2,(Taiwan) an island with 23 million people that's only slightly bigger than Vancouver Island. 台湾人口2300万,面积仅比温哥华岛大一点。
3,As of Saturday, March 21, there were only 153 confirmed cases and two deaths. 截至到3月21日,台湾确诊人数为153人,死亡2人。加拿大人数破千,死亡12人。
4, Their daughter, like all the kids, wears a mask all day — except at lunch. At lunch, when she takes off her mask, she is protected from infection with a plastic barrier. 采访中举例的一家人提到,他们的孩子上学时全天佩戴口罩,只有午餐时摘下,摘下时也有塑料隔断保护。