This world is enough for everyone live in peace.
Powerful moment white parishioners gather and kneel in George Floyd's hometown of Houston and ask for black community's forgiveness during a 'praytest'
This took place in Houston, TX without a plan or premeditated action. After the tragic death of George Floyd, riots and crime broke out in the city but Christians were called to action in a different way. As Tre9, led a prayer circle in Cuney Homes, the place George Floyd once lived, the atmosphere shifted into a powerful reconciliation moment. Here are his thoughts that were posted to his Facebook and Instagram pages.
无比赞同下面这段话: So there we were looking face to face with black people from all over Houston, of many different ages and backgrounds. For that moment, I believe we felt the brokenness, pain, anger, disappointment, discouragement, doubt and other emotions that most black people have felt for a very long time. All I can say is that this video of white and brown people on their knees represents genuine repentance from the heart. This isn't the last of our PRAYTESTS but I'm pretty sure it is one of most impactful moments I'll ever have in ministry."