


Lucyzhang : 2020-10-27#1

昨天收到新邻居一封信,说他们有2只猫,1条大狗(哈士奇),还有2岁的儿子。为了安全要修一道4ft的黑色金属fence,工程从close day 那天开始。让我share费用。




WeChat Image_20201027114328.jpgWeChat Image_20201027114335.jpg

~snowwolf~ : 2020-10-27#2

sofia : 2020-10-27#3

sabre : 2020-10-27#4


清风细雨123 : 2020-10-27#5

marianboo : 2020-10-27#6
我家新买的屋子三面邻居,fence是那种最原始的矮小的已经很破旧的fence。我家自己出钱把fence修起来,因为我家有大狗,不希望打扰到邻居。也没有跟邻居说share cost,自己想修就修,邻居都住那么久了人家过的好好的,为什么找人家出钱呢?我总觉得,有钱就修,没钱就别修,找别人出钱干你想干的事情,这事我干不出来。

eleclan : 2020-10-27#7

昨天收到新邻居一封信,说他们有2只猫,1条大狗(哈士奇),还有2岁的儿子。为了安全要修一道4ft的黑色金属fence,工程从close day 那天开始。让我share费用。






n_delta : 2020-10-27#8

Lucyzhang : 2020-10-27#9
Hi Lauren and Brad,
Thank you for the details. I agree that it is a small forest behind our yards, and we love the natural landscape. Gerry and us both felt that there were no need for a fence as it keeps the land. Though I totally understand your circumstance with pets and children. I had a close look at our boundaries this morning, and there already exists a small section of wooden fence between our houses at the bottom of the small hill, and I think that having a metal mesh might not fit in the scene as much since we already have a piece of the wooden fence. I prefer to have a wooden fence, hopefully a matching one with the existing fence. Though I realize that you will be moving in soon and needs to have a fence asap. I assum we both will live on Lochside for some years. From a long term perspective I really prefer a wooden fence with the matching pattern of the existing piece. Please go ahead installing the metal fence if you urgently need to, without My involvement. However, if in the future we decide to build a wooden fence, I will be happy to share the cost then.

Best wishes

STILLWELL : 2020-10-27#10
Hi Lauren and Brad,
Thank you for the details. I agree that it is a small forest behind our yards, and we love the natural landscape. Gerry and us both felt that there were no need for a fence as it keeps the land. Though I totally understand your circumstance with pets and children. I had a close look at our boundaries this morning, and there already exists a small section of wooden fence between our houses at the bottom of the small hill, and I think that having a metal mesh might not fit in the scene as much since we already have a piece of the wooden fence. I prefer to have a wooden fence, hopefully a matching one with the existing fence. Though I realize that you will be moving in soon and needs to have a fence asap. I assum we both will live on Lochside for some years. From a long term perspective I really prefer a wooden fence with the matching pattern of the existing piece. Please go ahead installing the metal fence if you urgently need to, without My involvement. However, if in the future we decide to build a wooden fence, I will be happy to share the cost then.

Best wishes

Horse Dragoon : 2020-10-27#11
其实修了也好,一劳永逸, 没有多少钱的, 而且邻居关系比栏杆重要, 也要站在别人的位置为他们想想,就算他们不修, 看到人家有狗有猫的, 自己也要修吧?

我的豪斯刚买搬进不久, 旁边老外邻居就要换新栏, 我同意了, 50尺长, 6尺高, 共1500刀, 完工后我给了邻居 750刀, 但开工前我先要得到修的合同和报价,最后要了收据。

gjw8060 : 2020-10-27#12
其实修了也好,一劳永逸, 没有多少钱的, 而且邻居关系比栏杆重要, 也要站在别人的位置为他们想想,就算他们不修, 看到人家有狗有猫的, 自己也要修吧?

我的豪斯刚买搬进不久, 旁边老外邻居就要换新栏, 我同意了, 50尺长, 6尺高, 共1500刀, 完工后我给了邻居 750刀, 但开工前我先要得到修的合同和报价,最后要了收据。

n_delta : 2020-10-27#13

eleclan : 2020-10-27#14
从长远来讲 篱笆是一定要的 邻居有狗有猫有小孩 没篱笆真不合适

SPIKE : 2020-10-28#15

lakewilcox : 2020-10-28#16
肯定是要有栅栏的,如果没有栅栏,邻居家狗要是跑到你这边咬了人咋办?查一下by law这种情况是否双方share. 也许可以让对方多出。如果是我就掏千把块share搞定完事,皆大欢喜。

lakewilcox : 2020-10-28#17
我看了一下我这个地方的by law, 大致是说fence属于share property, 费用是必须双方承担的,邻居至少出basic fence的share 价钱。如果有一方邻居不出的话,对方会serve多次notice,然后可以申诉到法庭。

基本上估计别的地方by law大同小异。如果西人邻居估计这事会到法庭,中国邻居之间一般不会那样,一方忍了就算了。

lakewilcox : 2020-10-28#18
Neighbours must share the "basic cost" of constructing a new division fence. This basic cost is defined as the cost of erecting a 4 foot chain link fence to minimum construction standards. The cost to repair, maintain or reconstruct existing division fences must be shared equally by both property owners, based upon the type of fence in place.

In order to use the by-law, a property owner must do the following:
  1. Serve the neighbour with a notice advising of their intent to construct/repair a fence via registered mail at least 14 days in advance of the construction/repair of the fence. This notice should provide the basic cost of constructing a new division fence (4 foot chain link fence). Property owners are advised to get multiple quotes and to use the least expensive quote.
  2. Should the neighbours agree to build the fence, a written agreement should be completed by both parties.
  3. Should one neighbour fail to pay the cost of a basic fence, the other owner, after serving the notice referenced in step 1 may proceed to build the fence and then issue a second notice to the neighbour.
  4. The second notice should be issued within 90 days of the completion of the construction/repair of the fence and must be served by registered mail.
  5. The second notice must provide 30 days for the neighbour to pay the other neighbour half of the cost of a basic fence.
Should one neighbour continue to refuse to pay the other neighbour, the neighbour who paid for the fence may proceed under the Provincial Offences Act to have a Justice of the Peace enforce the provisions of the by-law. In order to begin this process, the owner of the fence must do the following:
  1. Pick-up the required forms (referred to as an Information and any required Summons) from the Ontario Court of Justice at 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, ON.
  2. Complete the Information and Summons and present both documents to a Justice of the Peace for review and consideration.
  3. If the Justice of the Peace is satisfied that the owner has followed the steps outlined in the by-law, the Justice of the Peace may accept the Information and sign the Summons.
  4. The owner is then required to provide the Summons to the Town of Whitby By-law Services for service on the adjacent property owner.
  5. The Summons will require the neighbour to appear in court to answer to the legal action.
  6. The matter will then proceed to court where the Justice of the Peace has the authority to award the fence owner with a judgement requiring the neighbour to pay half the costs of a basic fence. Any decision reached regarding a fine is enforceable through small claims court.
Should the neighbour continue to refuse to make payment of the award issued by the Justice of the Peace, then the fence owner must do the following:
  1. Initiate an action in small claims court.
  2. Seek enforcement of the outstanding judgement from the neighbour.

游兵散勇 : 2020-10-28#19
如果楼主能用图文形势证明当前FENCE符合地区标准且无质量问题,仅是美观问题不属于必要更换。你直接拒绝即可 - 如果能让COUNCIL派人前来确认FENCE质量过关就更完美了。

Lucyzhang : 2020-10-28#20

落基山下 : 2020-11-03#21