川普天天吹嘘的重大法庭诉讼,当前取得1胜32负的惨淡”战绩“ 。 唯一的胜利是,法官同意某地共和党计票观察员可以更靠近一点”观察“计票。
不过川普醉翁之意从来不在酒, 谁说我要民主和选票才能做总统?
川普现在已经邀请密歇根州”共和党州议会领导人"前往白宫, “共商国是” , 明目张胆的想要求密歇根州共和党州议会”强奸“密歇根州人民的大选民意 ,让共和党控制的州议会无视大选选举结果,直接任命选川普的选举人团。这是美国历史上从未发生过的无耻事件。
现在可以围观美国共和党人怎么表演:"民主灯塔"美国,第一次遇到一个不想下台的总统,立即鸡飞狗跳,群魔乱舞,zombie 满大街 。 从此会不会变成一个不再需要民主选举的 “香蕉民主共和国”
32败:Georgia , Georgia Federal Court REJECTS Republican effort to block certification of election results.
31败: Pennsylvania Court REJECTS Trump's appeal of the Bucks County Board of Elections decision to count certain mail-in ballots.
30败:Arizona court DISMISSES lawsuit filed by the Arizona Republican Party seeking to expand the state’s election audit.
29败:Trump campaign DISMISSES its last remaining Michigan federal court lawsuit.
28败:Plaintiffs have DISMISSED their lawsuit filed by seeking to stop the final certification of election results in Michigan.
27败: Pennsylvania Court REJECTS a second lawsuit appealing Allegheny County Board of Elections’ decision to count mail-in ballots.
26败: Pennsylvania Court REJECTS lawsuit appealing Allegheny County Board of Elections’ decision to count 2,300+ mail-in ballots.
Trump has dismissed his appeal of our victory for voters in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Approx. 600 voters will be enfranchised as a result.
24败:Plaintiffs DISMISS Wisconsin lawsuit claiming election officials included illegal results in certain counties and seeking to to stop the certification of election results from these counties.
23败:Plaintiffs DISMISS Georgia lawsuit claiming election officials included illegal results and seeking to to stop the certification of presidential election results from certain counties.
22败:Plaintiffs DISMISS Pennsylvania lawsuit claiming election officials included illegal results and seeking to to stop the certification of presidential election results from certain counties.
21败:Plaintiffs DISMISS lawsuit claiming that illegal ballots were counted to change the results and seeking to exclude presidential-election results from Wayne, Washtenaw, and Ingham counties.
and so on...