


天涯孤旅XXJ : 2020-12-14#1

周雅 : 2020-12-14#2

天涯孤旅XXJ : 2020-12-14#3


nnb : 2020-12-14#4
一般情况下加拿大是认的在加拿大以外的离婚, 但有一定条件: 离婚前要分居一年以上;某一方要在中国居住超过一年; 若无人在中国居住超过一年,但与中国有联系(比如中国有房产,资产等)。
在加拿大再婚似乎没人严格去审查以上条件, 出具中国离婚的相关文件的翻译(公正)就可以。 但如果担保再婚配偶移民, IRCC会审查离婚是否符合加拿大法律。

天涯孤旅XXJ : 2020-12-14#5
一般情况下加拿大是认的在加拿大以外的离婚, 但有一定条件: 离婚前要分居一年以上;某一方要在中国居住超过一年; 若无人在中国居住超过一年,但与中国有联系(比如中国有房产,资产等)。
在加拿大再婚似乎没人严格去审查以上条件, 出具中国离婚的相关文件的翻译(公正)就可以。 但如果担保再婚配偶移民, IRCC会审查离婚是否符合加拿大法律。

dave : 2020-12-19#6
不承认是因为你们没入加拿大籍。 我是在加拿大办的离婚,我国内的婚姻等于自动离了,因为我们离婚的时候都已经入籍。 不再受中国婚姻法制约。 所以,加拿大这边不会管我们在中国国内是否离婚,甚至都不会问这个问题。

天涯孤旅XXJ : 2020-12-20#7
我后来了解到的是, ,凭借国内办的离婚证翻译认证后可以在加拿大登记结婚, 说明国内办的离婚证还是被承认的。只是不确定以后若在国内再婚后担保配偶移民时会不会在移民部遇到问题。

nnb : 2020-12-20#8
我后来了解到的是, ,凭借国内办的离婚证翻译认证后可以在加拿大登记结婚, 说明国内办的离婚证还是被承认的。只是不确定以后若在国内再婚后担保配偶移民时会不会在移民部遇到问题。

天涯孤旅XXJ : 2020-12-20#9


"Both spouses become permanent residents in Canada, then citizens. Several years later, one spouse goes back to their native country and obtains a divorce and remarries. Neither spouse was resident in the native country for a year preceding the divorce, but the spouse who obtained the divorce visited the native country a few times.

The divorce is not recognized under Canadian law because neither party was resident in the native country for the one year immediately preceding the divorce."
如果永居回国内的离婚不被加拿大承认, 那么后续的回国再婚及担保再婚配偶移民加拿大就存在被拒的风险。在这种情况下,为了回避风险,难道还要联系前配偶在加拿大再办一次离婚手续吗?

nnb : 2020-12-20#10

"Both spouses become permanent residents in Canada, then citizens. Several years later, one spouse goes back to their native country and obtains a divorce and remarries. Neither spouse was resident in the native country for a year preceding the divorce, but the spouse who obtained the divorce visited the native country a few times.

The divorce is not recognized under Canadian law because neither party was resident in the native country for the one year immediately preceding the divorce."
如果永居回国内的离婚不被加拿大承认, 那么后续的回国再婚及担保再婚配偶移民加拿大就存在被拒的风险。在这种情况下,为了回

如果你们在中国办理离婚时没有任何一方在中国住满一年, 那么满足以下条件加拿大也会承认在中国的离婚(我觉得应该不难满足, 你和中国总有些联系吧)。
  • either party can show that, at the time of the divorce, they had a real and substantial connection with the foreign jurisdiction, e.g. they were born in that country, had family there, regularly travelled to and spent time there, and/or owned property or conducted business there. Such factors indicate whether the court in that country had the jurisdiction to hear the divorce when neither of the parties was ordinarily residing there for a year preceding the divorce. If the real and substantial connection is made, and that party obtains a legal divorce in that country, it is valid in Canada.

天涯孤旅XXJ : 2020-12-20#11
如果你们在中国办理离婚时没有任何一方在中国住满一年, 那么满足以下条件加拿大也会承认在中国的离婚(我觉得应该不难满足, 你和中国总有些联系吧)。
  • either party can show that, at the time of the divorce, they had a real and substantial connection with the foreign jurisdiction, e.g. they were born in that country, had family there, regularly travelled to and spent time there, and/or owned property or conducted business there. Such factors indicate whether the court in that country had the jurisdiction to hear the divorce when neither of the parties was ordinarily residing there for a year preceding the divorce. If the real and substantial

天涯孤旅XXJ : 2020-12-20#12
如果你们在中国办理离婚时没有任何一方在中国住满一年, 那么满足以下条件加拿大也会承认在中国的离婚(我觉得应该不难满足, 你和中国总有些联系吧)。
  • either party can show that, at the time of the divorce, they had a real and substantial connection with the foreign jurisdiction, e.g. they were born in that country, had family there, regularly travelled to and spent time there, and/or owned property or conducted business there. Such factors indicate whether the court in that country had the jurisdiction to hear the divorce when neither of the parties was ordinarily residing there for a year preceding the divorce. If the real and substantial connection is made, and that party obtains a legal divorce in that country, it is valid in Canada.
这个规定是有前提条件的,是针对commen law 伴侣说的:
The Divorce Act also preserves common-law rules respecting recognition of foreign divorces. For example, Canadian courts may recognize foreign divorces when:

nnb : 2020-12-20#13
这个规定是有前提条件的,是针对commen law 伴侣说的:
The Divorce Act also preserves common-law rules respecting recognition of foreign divorces. For example, Canadian courts may recognize foreign divorces when:
这里的common-law 我理解的是普通法尔尔不是commen law 伴侣。commen law 伴侣本来就没结婚哪来的离婚。

梅西 : 2021-03-22#14
这里的common-law 我理解的是普通法尔尔不是commen law 伴侣。commen law 伴侣本来就没结婚哪来的离婚。

Visa88 : 2021-08-20#15

Cathy_Zhu : 2021-08-20#16