昨天 国会山史无前例的沦陷了, 那么究竟是谁干的 ?
这里面有非常多的疑点,包括守卫主动放弃阻拦,国会山门户大开,林伍德的 安提法成员混入破坏传言等等。
就目前的视频看,似乎确实有疑点,游行人员几乎是被邀请进国会山的, 但是安提法成员混入的传言, 法新社核查却不属实。
Social media posts claim Antifa, a far-left movement, stormed the US Capitol. But there is extensive visual evidence that Donald Trump loyalists -- some with hats or flags identifying them as such -- breached the building where Congress meets, while images and a video provided as proof of Antifa...
Trump supporters, not Antifa, were behind US Capitol chaos
W.G. Dunlop,
AFP USA Facebook Twitter Email Published on Thursday 07 January 2021 at 11:54
Copyright AFP 2017-2020. All rights reserved.
Social media posts claim Antifa, a far-left movement, stormed the US Capitol. But Donald Trump loyalists -- some with hats or flags identifying them as such -- breached the building where Congress meets, and images provided as evidence of Antifa involvement show one man who is a supporter of the president and another who is allegedly linked to a skinhead group.