
NAHID on Broadview 精品豪华公寓 | VIP Launch May 05, 2021


David Zhu : 2021-05-01#1

NAHID on Broadview 精品豪华公寓 | VIP Launch May 05, 2021​

Nahid Broadview is a 33 suite,
6-storey boutique condo at Broadview
and Danforth with unique custom
inspired 1, 2 and 3 bedroom residential suites
from 668 sq. ft. to 1,452 sq. ft.

at 800 Broadview Ave, Toronto

Exterior photo of Nahid Broadview

Nahid offers premium features
and a cosmopolitan location filled
with life, movement, art, entertainment,
great food, beautiful parks, and joyful experiences.

Interior photo of Nahid Broadview

Interior photo of Nahid Broadview

David Zhu(647) 202-8676
51新楼花专家 美资房企高管 懂房子
懂投资 精研学区房 新楼花 豪宅买卖
微信:zliquan89 约克钻石经纪




  1. 提供独立屋 镇屋 公寓 新房和现房投资、买卖、全方位市场推广团队
  2. 提供专业贷款顾问,为您解决贷款疑难问题 个性化房屋销售策略
  3. 提供商业贷款申请、商业计划方案商业保险以及市场推广
  4. 提供3D全景看房服务+专业摄影 、装饰咨询专家,验房专家
  5. 专业Home Staging顾问,高档次房屋售前装饰服务,为您解决卖房租房疑难问

David Zhu : 2021-05-01#2