作者 │ Aningo定居海外,獨立評論員。
原文為英文,經過Google 的翻譯,為大家呈現,馬來西亞人如何看待中國的一篇文章。 以下為中英對照版。
By a Malaysian:來自馬來西亞人:
I'm from Malaysia. China has traded with Malaysia for 2000 years. In those years, they had been the world's biggest powers many times. Never once they sent troops to take our land. Admiral Zhenghe came to Malacca five times, in gigantic fleets, and a flagship eight times the size of Christopher Columbus' flagship, Santa Maria. He could have seized Malacca easily, but he did not. In 1511, the Portuguese came. In 1642, the Dutch came. In the 18th century the British came. We were colonised by each, one after another.
我來自馬來西亞。 中國與馬來西亞的貿易已有2000年。 在那些年裡,它們曾多次成為世界上最大的強國。 但他們從未派兵侵占我們的土地。 海軍上將鄭和,曾五次乘坐巨型艦隊來到馬六甲,並且是哥倫布“聖瑪麗亞”艦隊的八倍大。 他本來可以輕鬆地佔領馬六甲,但他沒有。 1511年,葡萄牙人來了。 1642年,荷蘭人來了。 18世紀,英國人來了。 然後我們接二連三地被他們殖民。
When China wanted spices from India, they traded with the Indians. When they wanted gems, they traded with the Persian. They didn't take lands. The only time China expanded beyond their current borders was in Yuan Dynasty, when Genghis and his descendants Ogedei Khan, Guyuk Khan & Kublai Khan conquered China, Mid Asia and Eastern Europe. But Yuan Dynasty, although being based in China, was a part of the Mongolian Empire.
當中國想要印度的香料時,他們與印度人進行貿易。 當他們想要寶石時,他們與波斯人進行貿易。 他們從不侵占土地。 中國唯一一次擴張國界是在元朝,成吉思汗及其後代奧格代汗(Ogedei Khan)古尤克汗(Guyuk Khan)和忽必烈(Kublai Khan)征服了中國、中亞和東歐。 但是,元朝雖屬中國,卻是蒙古帝國的一部分。
Then came the Century of Humiliation. Britain smuggled opium into China to dope the population, a strategy to turn the trade deficit around, after the British could not find enough silver to pay the Qing Dynasty in their tea and porcelain trades. After the opium warehouses were burned down and ports were closed by the Chinese in ordered to curb opium, the British started the Opium War I, which China lost. Hong Kong was forced to be surrendered to the British in a peace talk (Nanjing Treaty). The British owned 90% of the opium market in China, during that time, Queen Victoria was the world's biggest drug baron. The remaining 10% was owned by American merchants from Boston. Many of Boston's institutions were built with profit from opium.
接著是屈辱的世紀。 在英國人沒有足夠的白銀來支付清朝的茶葉和瓷器貿易之後,英國把鴉片走私到中國來販賣毒品,這是一種扭轉貿易逆差的策略。 在虎門銷菸、中國關閉港口以遏制鴉片之後,英國發動了第一次鴉片戰爭,中國輸了。 香港被迫在談判中向英國投降(《南京條約》)。 那個時期,英國的維多利亞女王是全世界最大的毒品大亨,英國人擁有中國90%的鴉片市場,其餘的10%由波士頓的美國商人擁有。 波士頓的許多機構都是靠著發鴉片財而建立的。
After 12 years of Nanjing Treaty, the West started getting really really greedy. The British wanted the Qing government:
1. To open the borders of China to allow goods coming in and out freely, and tax free.
2. Make opium legal in China.
《南京條約》簽訂12年後,西方開始變得非常非常貪婪。 英國人要求清政府:1.開放中國邊境,允許貨物自由進出,免除關稅。 2.使鴉片在中國合法化。
Insane requests, Qing government said no. The British and French, with supports from the US and Russia from behind, started Opium War II with China, which again, China lost. The Anglo-French military raided the Summer Palace, and threatened to burn down the Imperial Palace, the Qing government was forced to pay with ports, free business zones, 300,000 kilograms of silver and Kowloon was taken. Since then, China's resources flew out freely through these business zones and ports. In the subsequent amendment to the treaties, Chinese people were sold overseas to serve as labor.
面對瘋狂的要求,清政府說不。 英法兩國在美俄的支持下,對中國發動了第二次鴉片戰爭,而中國又輸了。 英法軍隊突襲了頤和園,並威脅要燒毀皇宮,清政府被迫用港口、自由貿易區、30萬公斤的白銀進行了支付。 香港九龍也被搶走。 從那時起,中國的資源便通過這些貿易區和港口自由進出。 在隨後的條約修正案中,中國人被賣到海外當勞工。
In 1900, China suffered attacks by the 8-National Alliance(Japan, Russia, Britain, France, USA, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary). Innocent Chinese civilians in Peking (Beijing now) were murdered, buildings were destroyed & women were raped. The Imperial Palace was raided, and treasures ended up in museums like the British Museum in London and the Louvre in Paris.
In late 1930s China was occupied by the Japanese in WWII. Millions of Chinese died during the occupancy. 300,000 Chinese died in Nanjing Massacre alone.
1900年,中國遭到八國聯軍的進攻(日本,俄羅斯,英國,法國,美國,德國,意大利,奧地利,匈牙利)。 北平(現北京)的無辜中國平民被謀殺,建築物被毀,婦女被強姦。 皇宮遭到襲擊,寶藏最終落入了倫敦大英博物館和巴黎盧浮宮的口袋。 20世紀30年代末,中國在第二次世界大戰中被日本佔領。 數百萬人在這期間喪命。 僅南京大屠殺,就有30萬中國人被殺害。
Mao brought China together again from the shambles. There were peace and unity for some time.
Then came Deng Xiao Ping and his famous “black-cat and white-cat” story. His preference in pragmatism than ideologies has transformed China. This thinking allowed China to evolve all the time to adapt to the actual needs in the country, instead of rigidly bounded to ideologies.
The current Socialism+Meritocracy+Market Economy model fits the Chinese like gloves, and it propels the uprise of China. Singapore has a similar model, and has been arguably more successful than Hong Kong, because Hong Kong being gateway to China, was riding on the economic boom in China, while Singapore had no one to gain from.
毛澤東把中國從廢墟中團結起來,中國迎來了和平、統一。 接著就是鄧小平和他著名的“黑貓和白貓”的故事。 比起意識形態,他對實用主義的偏愛已經改變了中國。 這種思想使中國可以一直發展,以適應國家的實際需要,而不是拘泥於意識形態。 當前的社會主義+精英主義+市場經濟模型,完美地貼合了中國人,並推動著中國的崛起。 而新加坡也有類似的模式,可以說比香港更成功。 因為香港是通往中國的門戶,受惠於中國的經濟繁榮而發展,而新加坡則完全自主發展。
In just 30 years, the CCP have moved 800 millions of people out from poverty. The rate of growth is unprecedented in human history. They have built the biggest mobile network, by far the biggest high speed rail network in the world, and they have become a behemoth in infrastructure. They made a fishing village called Shenzhen into the world's second largest technological centre after the Silicon Valley. They are growing into a technological power house. It has the most elaborate e-commerce and cashless payment system in the world. They have launched exploration to Mars. The Chinese are living a good life and China has become one of the safest countries in the world. The level of patriotism in the country has reached an unprecedented height.
短短30年,中國共產黨已經讓8億人擺脫了貧困。 發展的速度在人類歷史上前所未有。 他們已經建立了最大的移動網絡,全世界最大的高鐵網絡,並且成為了基建狂魔。 他們把一個叫做深圳的漁村,打造成僅次於矽谷的世界第二大科技中心。 他們正在成長為技術強國。 它擁有世界上最完善的電子商務和無現金支付系統。 他們已經向火星發起探險活動。 愛國主義也達到了前所未有的高度。
For all of the achievements, the West has nothing good to say about it. China suffers from intense anti-China propagandas from the West. Western Media used the keyword “Communist” to instil fear and hatred towards China. Everything China does is negatively reported.
They claimed China used slave labor in making iPhones. The truth was, Apple was the most profitable company in the world, it took most of the profit, leave some to Foxconn (a Taiwanese company) and little to the labor.
儘管取得了所有成就,但西方對此從來都是閉口不談。 中國正遭受西方強烈的反華宣傳。 西方媒體使用關鍵詞“共產主義”來煽動對中國的恐懼和仇恨。 中國所做的一切都被負面報導。 他們聲稱中國用“奴隸勞動”來製造iPhone。 而事實上,蘋果公司是世界上最賺錢的公司,它賺走了大部分利潤,只留一部分給富士康(一家台灣公司),而極少留給中國的勞工。
They claimed China was inhuman with one-child policy. At the same time, they accused China of polluting the earth with its huge population. The fact is the Chinese consume just 30% of energy per capita compared to the US.
They claimed China underwent ethnic cleansing in Xinjiang. The fact is China has a policy which priorities ethnic minorities. For a long time, the ethnic minorities were allowed to have two children and the majority Han only allowed one. The minorities are allowed a lower score for university intakes. There are 39,000 mosque in China, and 2100 in the US. China has about 3 times more mosque per muslim than the US.
他們聲稱中國實行獨生子女政策是不人道的。 可是同時,他們卻又指責中國人口眾多,污染地球。 事實是,與美國相比,中國人均能耗僅為30%。 他們聲稱中國在新疆進行了種族清洗。 事實上,中國有優先考慮少數民族的政策。 長期以來,少數民族被允許生育兩個孩子,而大多數漢族只允許生育一個。 少數民族的大學錄取分數很低。
中國有39000座清真寺,美國祇有2100座。 中國穆斯林的人均清真寺數量大約是美國的3倍。
When terrorist attacks happened in Xinjiang, China had two choices:1. Re-educate the Uighur extremists before they turned terrorists.2. Let them be, after they launch attacks and killed innocent people, bomb their homes.China chose 1 to solve problem from the root and not to do killing. How the US solve terrorism? Fire missiles from battleships, drop bombs from the sky.
當新疆發生恐怖襲擊時,中國有兩個選擇:1.在極端分子成為恐怖分子之前,對他們進行再教育。 2.讓極端分子在發動恐怖襲擊和殺害無辜民眾之後,轟炸他們。 中國選擇1,從根源上解決問題,而不是殺生。 美國如何解決恐怖主義問題? 從戰艦上發射導彈,從空中投下炸彈。
During the pandemic, when China took extreme measures to lockdown the people, they were accused of being inhuman.When China recovered swiftly because of the extreme measures, they were accused of lying about the actual numbers.When China's cases became so low that they could provide medical support to other countries, they were accused of politically motivated.
Western Media always have reasons to bash China.
在新冠疫情期間, 當中國採取封鎖的措施時,他們被指責為不人道。 而當中國因為採取積極措施而迅速恢復時,他們又被指責謊報實際數字。 當中國的病例變得如此之低,以至於他們可以向其他國家提供醫療支持時,他們被指責具有政治動機。 西方媒體總能找到藉口抨擊中國。
Just like any country, there are irresponsible individuals from China which do bad and dirty things, but the China government overall has done very well. But I hear this comment over and over by people from the West: I like Chinese people, but the CCP is evil. What they really want is the Chinese to change the government, because the current one is too good.
和任何國家一樣,中國也有不負責任的人在做壞事,但中國政府的整體表現很好。 我卻一再聽到西方人的評論:我喜歡中國人民,但政府是邪惡的。 他們真正想要看到的是中國人推翻政府,因為目前的中國政府太好了。
Fortunately China is not a multi-party democratic country, otherwise the opposition party in China will be supported by notorious NGOs (Non-Government Organization) of the USA, like the NED (National Endowment for Democracy), to topple the ruling party. The US and the British couldn't crack Mainland China, so they work on Hong Kong. Of all the ex-British colonial countries, only the Hong Kongers were offered BNOs by the British. Because the UK would like the Hong Kongers to think they are British citizens, not Chinese. A divide-and-conquer strategy, which they often used in Color Revolutions around the world.
幸運的是,中國不是一個多黨制國家,否則中國的反對黨將得到美國臭名昭著的非政府組織的支持,例如NED(民主基金會),來推翻政府。 美國和英國無法攻破中國大陸,因此他們在香港進行反華活動。 在所有的前英國殖民地國家中,只有香港人被英國人提供BNO(英國海外國民身份)。 因為英國希望香港人以為他們是英國公民,而不是中國公民。 這種分而治之的策略,他們經常在全世界的顏色革命中使用。
They resort to low dirty tricks like detaining Huawei's CFO & banning Huawei. They raised a silly trade war which benefits no one. Trade deficit always exist between a developing and a developed country. USA is like a luxury car seller who ask a farmer: why am I always buying your vegetables and you haven't bought any of my cars?
他們採取低級下流的伎倆,例如扣留華為的CFO孟晚舟和禁止華為。 他們發動了一場愚蠢的貿易戰,無人受益。 發展中國家和發達國家之間總是存在貿易逆差。 美國就像一個賣豪車的賣家,去問一個農民:為什麼我總是買你的蔬菜,而你卻沒買我的車?
When the Chinese were making socks for the world 30 years ago, the world let it be. But when Chinese started to make high technology products, like Huawei and DJI, it caused red-alert. Because when Western and Japanese products are equal to Chinese in technologies, they could never match the Chinese in prices. First world countries want China to continue in making socks. Instead of stepping up themselves, they want to pull China down.
30年前,當中國人為全世界做襪子的時候,全世界都聽之任之。 但當中國人開始製造像華為、大疆這樣的高科技產品時,卻引起軒然大波。 因為當西方產品和日本產品在技術方面與中國不相上下時,價格方面卻永遠無法與中國人相提並論。
第一世界國家希望中國人繼續做襪子。 他們不想提高自己,而是想扯中國後腿。
The recent movement by the US against China has a very important background. When Libya, Iran, and China decided to ditch the US dollar in oil trades, Gaddafi's was killed by the US, Iran was being sanctioned by the US, and now it's China's turn. The US has been printing money out of nothing. The only reason why the US Dollar is still widely accepted, is because it's the only currency which oil is allowed to be traded with. The US has an agreement with Saudi that oil must be traded in US dollar ONLY. Without the petrol-dollar status, the US dollars will sink, and America will fall. Therefore anyone trying to disobey this order will be eliminated. China will soon use a gold-backed crypto-currency, the alarms in the White House go off like mad.
美國最近針對中國的運動具有非常重要的背景。 當利比亞、伊朗和中國決定放棄美元進行石油貿易時,卡扎菲被美國殺死,伊朗被美國製裁,現在輪到中國了。 美國一直在無中生有地印美鈔。 美元之所以仍然被廣泛接受,是因為它是唯一允許與石油進行交易的貨幣。
美國與沙特達成一項協議,規定石油只能以美元進行交易。 沒有美元-石油的地位,美元就會貶值,美國國力就會下降。 因此,任何企圖違抗這個命令的人都會被消滅。 但是中國很快將使用一種由黃金做後盾的數字貨幣,於是白宮的警報聲像發瘋了一樣響起。
China's achievement has been by hard work. Not by looting the world.
I have deep sympathy for China for all the suffering, but now I feel happy for them. China is not rising, they are going back to where they belong. Good luck China.
中國的成就一直靠著艱苦奮鬥。 而不是靠掠奪世界。 我對中國曾遭受的所有苦難深表同情,但現在我為他們感到高興。