新移民,不知道这个案子很正常,我看新闻前也不知道,但哈佛法学博士,不知道这个案子的意义,就不正常了吧,这可是要当大法官的人,是掌握三大权力之一的,决定美国宪法走向的九人中的一人。在被问道她如何看待最高法院基于substantive due process的判决时,她总不该比参议院议员更无知吧。芝加哥大学论文关于substantive due process的论文中的第一句就说到,这个知识是一般常识不知道这个案例,
看新闻评论,很多人表示shock,有人甚至说这是8年级的中学生都知道的案例,虽然有夸张嫌疑,但也能看出一些端倪。Conventional wisdom holds that “substantive due process” first appeared in Supreme Court jurisprudence in the Dred Scott case.
习惯就好了拜登大法官提名的Jackson在参议院听证会上,表示不清楚Dred Scott的案子,让人大跌眼镜,这个案子可是美国历史上引发南北战争导火索之一的著名案例,因为某奴隶主的substantive due process权利被侵犯,(substantive due process在这里应该指的是奴隶主的财产权),所以这个奴隶不能获得自由。这是美国历史上最高法院第一次引用substantive due process权利进行判决的臭名昭著的案例,作为一个被提名大法官,作为哈佛毕业的法学院博士,居然不清楚这个在法学界,知识界属于常识的案例,这确实让人怀疑美国的左派是不是走过头了,难道提名她的主要考量真的是因为她将是美国历史上第一个黑人女大法官么?还有就是她拒绝回答男性女性的定义,也让人抓狂,就算对方给你下了套子,你就没有勇气跳进去解套么?另外Jackson已经明确表明她将支持她的母校现在面临的官司,就是哈佛被亚裔团体起诉在招生中歧视亚洲学生的做法。不受种族身份影响,公平竞争进入最优秀校园的权利,这个难道不是亚裔学生substantive due process么?
Supreme Court nominee Jackson doesn't 'quite remember the basis' for Dred Scott decision
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, who President Biden nominated to the Supreme Court to become the first ever Black female justice, admitted Tuesday that she could not recall the basis for the infamous Dred Scott decision, which in 1857 said that a Black person whose ancestors had been slaves could...www.foxnews.com
What Happened to the Due Process Clause in the Dred Scott Case? The Continuing Confusion over “Substance” versus “Process” | American Political Thought: Vol 4, No 1
Abstract Conventional wisdom holds that “substantive due process” first appeared in Supreme Court jurisprudence in the Dred Scott case. Some scholars have attempted to show that the seeds, or even the full growth, of this constitutional doctrine appeared much earlier. Whenever it first appeared...www.journals.uchicago.edu
查了一下投票结果 11vs11,又是一个vote in line。无独有偶,两个月前的参议院听证会上,拜登提名的纽约南区法官也是一问三不知。
Cruz said that Kato’s writing as a student conveyed that “to be sufficiently woke, an Asian American must support policies that discriminate against Asian Americans.” He referred to a lawsuit against Harvard — now to be heard by the Supreme Court — alleging that the university’s diversity initiatives discriminate against Asian undergraduates.
Senate Republicans press Japanese American judge over law school article
Kenly Kato, nominated to a federal court in California, was asked about a 1995 book review in which she said neoconservative Asian Americans “internalize the dialogue of oppressors.”www.nbcnews.com
无论你怎么想或曾经写过啥都必须回答是不对,这种也算是原则性或大是大非的问题了,所以说现在的人都不知想什么的,简单问题复杂化还以为自己的情商高,还怕别人给她挖坑,自己就在给自己挖坑了。长此下去都没人是心理正常的了。查了一下投票结果 11vs11,又是一个vote in line。