Not only are beets
packed with fiber, but they also contain calcium, vitamin C, iron, potassium and magnesium. On top of that, they contain two special inflammation-fighting compounds: nitrates and betalians. These phytonutrients (beneficial plant compounds) have been shown to fight harmful oxidative stress in the body and possibly play a role in the treatment of
cardiovascular disease and cancer.
甜菜不僅富含纖維,還含有鈣、維生素 C、鐵、鉀和鎂。最重要的是,它們含有兩種特殊的抗發炎化合物:硝酸鹽和貝塔利安。這些植物營養素(有益的植物化合物)已被證明可以對抗體內有害的氧化壓力,並可能在心血管疾病和癌症的治療中發揮作用。