要我是你这种情况,肯定会考虑本教育局的Summer School。
问:I'm going into grade 12 and I am private schooling English. My English mark in grade 11 was 79% and all my other grades were 93%+. Will Waterloo care if I get a 90-95% from private school? I am trying to go into engineering and I expect my top 6 next year will be at least 96% (with the private school). My actual school is also on the lower end of Waterloo's adjustment factor list.
答:You will have to do AIF to explain why you took it in private school. It is looked down upon because there are tons of private schools where you technically pay for your grade lol. I know there was one near where I live and the courses were like 500-700 in between there and the teachers would literally help you during your tests and ask you what grade you wanted. It’s a bit unfair since I know there are certain private schools who make students work very hard for their grades regardless of money but due to that it is looked down upon since the committee team at Waterloo is aware that it is quite a mark booster. I would try to lean away from that since English is a core subject and core subjects are usually things that shouldn’t be taken in private school especially for competitive programs like CS/ENG but honestly it’s all luck because the person who reviews your application may look through your AIF and accept it but you could also be paired with someone who looks at the AIF and rejects it. I think it’s better safe then sorry because people have gotten rejected due to private schools/night schools on their transcripts.