Higher new rate applies on gains above $250,000 for individuals, and all gains realized in corps and trusts, as of June 25
哈法 : 2024-04-16#2
根据我所看的有关报道,应该是如果每年 Capital Gain 超过25万加币 以上,那么66.6% 的 Capital Gain 将会被扣税 或者说这66.6% 的 Capital Gain 需要报税(以前是50%),而且从今年6月25日开始。自住房, TFSA和RRSP 的 Capital Gain 不包括在内。
根据我所看的有关报道,应该是如果每年 Capital Gain 超过25万加币 以上,那么66.6% 的 Capital Gain 将会被扣税 或者说这66.6% 的 Capital Gain 需要报税(以前是50%),而且从今年6月25日开始。自住房, TFSA和RRSP 的 Capital Gain 不包括在内。
To ensure this increase in the capital gains inclusion rate is concentrated among
the wealthiest, while keeping taxes lower on the middle class, the first $250,000
of capital gains income earned by Canadians each year will not be subject to
the new two-thirds inclusion rate.
Some family doctors have warned that the changes to capital gains taxation will affect their ability to save for retirement and their families' futures.
The Canadian Medical Association is asking the federal government to reconsider its proposed changes to capital gains taxation, arguing it will affect doctors' retirement savings.