netpixie2 years ago
Welcome to Communist Party's China
Grace Lautner2 years ago
tubeting2 years ago
Ada2 years ago
in china those who call for help usually have to pay for all the costs associated with it such as ambulance, hospital fees and medicine, especially if they cannot pay for it themselves and no family members come up to foot the bill. Sure it is pretty harsh to see an elderly or anyone hurt, but there aren't many that can afford or are willing to carry on all these costs for a stranger
cgygamer2 years ago
ching chong ching
joker5932 years ago
What happened? All I understood was "fucking you Chinese"
worldvistor2 years ago
Ffuck you! that judge!
lleverfreell2 years ago
To those of you who are chastising the Chinese for not helping, there have been several well-publicized and controversial incidents of innocent bystanders helping fallen elders, only to be wrongfully accused of causing the falls. One guy committed suicide a few days ago after being relentlessly extorted money by a fallen old lady's family, when in fact he had nothing to do with the incident. There is no good-Samaritan law protecting the innocent in China, hence people are apprehensive to help.
StylinRed2 years agoin reply to lleverfreell
what lleverfreell says is true there have been many cases in which a helpful bystander ended up getting screwed for helping if not by the govt than by the person in which they helped who takes them to court hence a mindset and i think even a law in some areas where minding your business is the way to go
Ray Tsang1 year ago
老伯倒地 全部人圍着看 沒有人打緊急電話 這裡是全中國最大的城市上海? 笑死人 中國人,你也配做嗎? 又看到五出動 又一次笑死人
Albee Zhang1 year ago
Lu Ye2 years ago
Sigh!! Welcome to China..
Ray Tsang1 year ago
罵得好! Fuck you Chinese!
Ada2 years agoin reply to Ada
to clarify: calling for help = calling police or ambulance
TWpigcomeback2 years agoin reply to tubeting
中国有13亿人,某天有个人倒地,没人扶,就说13亿人道的有问题,这不是13亿人道德有问题,而是你脑子有问题~~~~ 去看看美国,这种事遍地都是,去看看英国这种事理所当然~~~ 英国前些天,一女人被车撞伤,几百个人围观,没人打电话,没人救援