Obeying the law,taking resposiblitly for oneself and one's family and serving on a jury is ---Citizenship Responsibiltiy
British and French is --Canada's two of founding peoples
Aboriginal peoples --First Nations, Inuit and Metis
Ice hocky --developed in Canada in the 1800s, the national winter sport.
Voter information card --tells you when and where you vote
Presumption of innocence -- everyone is innocent until proven guilty
3 justice --Supreme Court, Federal Court and Provicial courts
The highest homour available to Canadian and is awarded for the most conspicuous bravery ---The Victoria Cross
More than 75% of working Canadians now have jobs in ---Service industries
Natural resources --- Fishing and mining
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta are --- The Prairie Provinces
The northern territories, -- one-third of Canada's land mass
You vote for senate T or F --- F
Less than half of seats called -- minority government
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