
他的父亲是 Hunger Games 导演或者制片人
因为这个阴影,没有兴趣看这部系列 :cry:

Da Vinci's Demons 历史奇幻 但不适合儿童 太黄 :cautious:


Peter Anthony Rodger is a British filmmaker and photographer. He is known for his 2009 documentary film Oh My God, as well as his work as a second unit director on The Hunger Games.

那么什么是second unit呢?

The second unit of a film is a crew that is responsible for shooting supplementary footage; this includes establishing shots, stunts, inserts, and cutaways. This crew is separate from the first unit, which is the team that films scenes with the leading cast.


《饥饿游戏》里有几秒钟Katniss的爸爸和几个矿工坐罐笼下矿井因矿难死亡的镜头。这时导演就会和second unit director说:“我没空。你带上几个人,到中国找个黑煤窑拍一下....”:D

在Oblivion里,观众都对高居于云海之上的“49号站”印象深刻。其实电影中关于49号站的镜头是由两个剧组拍摄完成的。导演带着主要演员在地面上用木板搭的49号站拍故事的主要情节,而second unit director带着几个摄影师爬到一坐海拔几千米的大山上拍各种日出日落的云海。最后在摄影棚里一合成就成了我们在电影中看到的壮观场面。
最后编辑: 2015-10-02
昨晚刚看完New Moon。原来Bella具有抗拒吸血鬼读心术的能力,也是个“天才”:D

是的,Edward可以read所有人的mind,唯独Bella的不行,所以他才会觉得frustrated. 我以前魁北克同事很喜欢看新月,她说她更喜欢Jacob,觉得小狼人很可爱。Edward一家受制于古老的意大利吸血鬼家族,Twilight 1结束的时候,Edward以为Bella死了,所以自愿前往意大利吸血鬼法庭受死,还好Bella和Alice及时赶到。意大利吸血鬼法庭之所以要审判Edward,是因为Edward让作为人类的Bella知道了吸血鬼的存在。。。意大利吸血鬼家族在五部电影里有着看似微不足道但实际上操控一切的重要地位!
[FONT=宋体]主要的原因是电视节目题材,对青少年造成不良影响 [/FONT]

"His father is famous for helping to make The Hunger Games, the futuristic Hollywood blockbuster about teenagers pitted against each other in a fight to the death."

Hunger games主题其实是宣扬一种在逆境中求生存的顽强精神,在荒郊野外的竞技场,如何寻找食物,如何找到水源,所以这部电影是鼓励青少年学会独立学会求生的正能量电影。我同学都是魁北克或法国人,他们不觉得Hunger games有出格的地方。当然,我也能理解海外华人对于自己孩子的保护,还是文化差异的原因。。。

《饥饿游戏》不是宣传暴力的小说和电影,而是恰恰相反。实际上作家Susanne Collins都没有把版权卖给游戏公司赚钱,虽然如果卖了至少能赚几百万。因为她知道,如果卖给游戏公司,《饥饿游戏》肯定成了孩子们互相打打杀杀的电游。


Second Unit Director在剧组中的地位同导演差得太远。假设整个剧组是“大型西人床垫厂”,制片相当于老板,导演相当于经理,Second Unit Director只相当于送床垫的部门的工头。

Elliot Rodger是Peter Rodgers和他的马来西亚华人前妻Li-Chin Rodger的两个孩子的老大。一般跨族裔跨文化的婚姻,本来孩子就容易产生认同困惑。而父母离婚对孩子的影响就更不好。离婚后Elliot是和他母亲Li-Chin Rodger一起生活的。

On the surface, Elliot had everything a young man in his prime could wish for: loving, wealthy parents, a luxury family home in California, the chance to mix with Hollywood A-listers, and a sleek BMW at the age of just 22.

But beneath the sun-kissed lifestyle, a desperate loneliness and sexual frustration were gnawing away and would finally drive him to the madness of his horrific, premeditated mass murder.

The recurring theme of his inner torment is evident in numerous disturbing videos he put out on YouTube and social network postings as he increasingly seemed to spend more time living his life in cyberspace rather than in the real world.

Time after time, he talked of his inability to get a girlfriend, confessing that even though he had been through college, he had never kissed a girl, let alone had sex.

A picture emerged of a troubled young man whose fellow students were enjoying the hedonistic lifestyle of surfing, spring breaks and sorority parties, while he was left out, later undergoing therapy.

这里有篇Elliot Rodger的文章,我觉得他父母的教育方式还是有问题的。


我真心希望,for their children's sake, 这些人也是权贵...:D:X3:

Lichin Rodger, Elliot Rodger’s mother, is frequently discussed in the long manifesto that the 22-year-old left behind.

Elliot killed six people and wounded multiple others during a stabbing and shooting spree near the University of California Santa Barbara on May 23.

The manifesto is about Elliot’s life.

Elliot expresses a mostly favorable view of his mother. He remarks at one point how he enjoyed having no limits when at her home, which enabled him to get into playing World of Warcraft without worry of curtailment of how long he played. He originally got into video games through playing with his father, Peter Rodger.

Lichin moved to the United Kingdom and became a nurse on several film sets, becoming, as Elliot put it, “friends with very important individuals in the film industry such as George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.” She even briefly dated Lucas, and maintained a friendship with the legendary director.

That friendship begat things such as invitations to the red carpet premiere of Star Wars Episode 1, Elliot recalled.

“I had and always will be a huge Star Wars fan,” Elliot recalled. “I had already seen the original trilogy many times, and I considered myself very lucky to be able to go to the premiere of the new Star Wars movie.” He even met some of the actors afterwards.

Elliot also recalls his mother taking him over to friend’s homes, and to parks and other events, such as a festival where concerts were held and people barbecued.

Elliot was greatly affected by the divorce of Lichin and Peter, often describing the differences between the households. “Despite father’s move to a much larger house and all the benefits that came with it, I still preferred my time at mother’s house, just because of her gentle and fun attitude and the energy of her household,” he wrote. “My mother indulged in me more than my father and Soumaya [stepmother] ever did. She knew what I liked and what I didn’t like, and she would go out of her way to make my life pleasant and enjoyable.”

In more recent times, Elliot spent his 21st birthday with Lichin and his sister Georgia. He described his anger at being a 21 year old “kiss-less virgin” but ultimately ended up having a good time with his family.

Elliot also took a vacation in 2013 with his mother and sister, and discussed what his future held with her. At a separate time prior, he had called her and his father and described to them how he felt like a failure, as he was fixated on the fact that he didn’t have a girlfriend nor “no real prospects.” She also helped take care of him after he was beaten one night.

Elliot did get upset with his mother at times. For instance, he says that he will always resent her for refusing to marry “a wealthy man” and move into a mansion. “If not for her sake, she should have done it for mine,” he said. “Joining a family of great wealth would have truly saved my life. I would have a high enough status to attract beautiful girlfriends and live above all of my enemies. All of my horrific troubles would have been eased instantly. It is very selfish of my mother to not consider this.”

Meanwhile, Peter and Chin issued a statement on Thursday through friend Simon Astaire.

The parents say in a statement that they are “crying out in pain for the victims and their families,” reported the Associated Press.

The parents say it is now their responsibility to do everything they can to help prevent such a tragedy from happening to any other family and to identify and deal with the mental issues that led to their son’s actions.
也许Hunger games的制片商和发行商该考虑一下下如何利用媒体来修正这件事对Hunger games造成的负面影响。。。随便说说。。。
Maze Runner 2在上海还没有上映,估计要比北美晚几个月了,现在上映的好莱坞电影是Ant man,中国电影《港囧》好像还蛮受欢迎的。。。
也许Hunger games的制片商和发行商该考虑一下下如何利用媒体来修正这件事对Hunger games造成的负面影响。。。随便说说。。。
Maze Runner 2在上海还没有上映,估计要比北美晚几个月了,现在上映的好莱坞电影是Ant man,中国电影《港囧》好像还蛮受欢迎的。。。


《港囧》目前在Cineplex Markham上映,英文名Lost in Hong Kong。还有Martian也刚上映。
本来我还在犹豫是不是去看看The Martian。不过在IMDB上看了这个评论,我真不想看了。

Most boring movie of the year, by far.

2 hours and 21 minutes of Matt Damon gardening, and people at NASA discussing how to rescue him.:D:X3: Seriously. That's the whole movie. Total boredom.

Just so you know, I like all kinds of movies. I'm not impatient. I have a degree in a tech field. But geez, this movie is soooo boring.

And it's stupid!! And the casting is terrible. A 22-year-old hot model-type woman is the only one at NASA smart enough to locate Damon. And a 22-year-old slob who looks like he's strung-out on drugs (rolling out of a bed in his FILTHY MESSY office, twitching, shaking, stuttering) is the only one at NASA smart enough to think of using a slingshot-effect for the rocket. But they're SOOOO smart that they can attend high-level, and I'm talking the highest level on a national scale....they can attend these meetings in street clothes, while everyone else is in suits and ties.

I know Damon is extremely politically-correct, and so are most Hollywood movies these days. But this one goes too far. Literally every scene alternates between a person of a different race. White, African-American, African, Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern. And every scene has a man and a woman in it. Michael Pena as an astronaut?? Hello....do I really need to explain that you have to be in-shape to be an astronaut??
2 hours and 21 minutes of Matt Damon gardening, and people at NASA discussing how to rescue him.:D:X3: Seriously. That's the whole movie. Total boredom.

The Imitation Game


艾伦·图灵 (Alan Turing)被视为计算机科学之父
图灵机 (Turing machine)的创始人,为现代计算机的逻辑工作方式奠定了基础。


《港囧》目前在Cineplex Markham上映,英文名Lost in Hong Kong。还有Martian也刚上映。

西方文化我倒是了解不少,洋墨水喝太多。根据我的猜测,这件事对Hunger games的票房和形象是有负面影响的,因为电影产业的竞争很激烈,就算目前好莱坞电影产业独霸世界,好莱坞内部的竞争依然很激烈。饥饿游戏这部电影的市场定位在于看过饥饿游戏小说的青少年书迷或是先看电影后追小说的青少年影迷,Hunger games的竞争对手是谁?是同类反乌托邦电影Divergent和Maze runner,这是我自己的分析,没有查具体的数据。
The Martian在上海一定会上映的,因为Interstellar在国内取得了高票房,已积累了不少影迷,Martian作为火星版前传会让很多国人买票观看,我现在预测票房不会低,lol。
Imitation game应该是一部很棒的电影,就算不谈获得奥斯卡提名或奖项,单单是Alan Turing本身就有足够的魅力。北美上映时我太忙,没去看,以后有机会补一下。。。





The Martian在上海一定会上映的,因为Interstellar在国内取得了高票房,已积累了不少影迷,Martian作为火星版前传会让很多国人买票观看,我现在预测票房不会低,lol。


开玩笑,不过事实确实是如此。 你看咱家园名人“梦大奶”炒股就知道了。梦大奶之所以把她前一段股市暴涨时赚的钱又赔了大半,就是因为她太相信中国最大的权威---政府了。“只要是政府想做的,没有做不到的”,这是梦大奶常说的一句话。梦大奶对权威的信心是如此之强,以至于连权威中的权威---邓老伯的“邓老伯理论”中经济部分的核心思想---“按经济规律办事”都给忘了:ROFLMAO:





Interstellar中,crop blight导致庄家不能生长威胁到人类生存,影片最后人类移居到太空站解决了问题。

可有必要吗?如果人类移居到太空站---一个封闭的环境,crop blight就没了。为什么不索性在地面建一个和太空站一样大小的封闭环境,就像农民的温室一样,不就可以解决问题了吗....这个技术不用等到未来,现在我们就可以做到...:X3:




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