
QUOTE="Angel29huang, post: 10845148, member: 305427"]是要再等体检通知的,DM1是三月,九月收到邮件并且网上状态显示寄出体检指引,这才去的医院体检,而且CIC有提供体检号。[/QUOTE]

今天又打了第三个电话给cic确认,一样说可以拿这封信直接去体检,upfront体检是不用拿体检表去的,我们信上写的就是upfront IMM1017B upfront。体检完会给一个receipt, 可以和这封信一起寄给cpc ottawa. 北京体检中心也问过了,说没有体检表的也可以去体检,他们诊所有权给建一个体检号,是他们用来和cpc联系的号。
我理解是现在可以去体检,可以节省点时间,也可以等渥太华发体检表1017E, 那时会要求30天内完成,像之前的大多数人那样。
没收到体检表。 但信上说:“
Requirement for Medical Examination
If your sponsored relative(s) has (have) not already done so, your relative(s) must provide an original
Upfront Medical Report form (IMM1017B UPFRONT) signed by a Panel Physician or an E-Medical Upfront
Medical Notification information sheet. Your relative(s) must complete the medical examination
and, once completed, forward this information directly to the visa office noted above along with a copy
of this letter. Your application has been transferred to the visa office noting this deficiency. Your relative
must forward the medical information directly to the visa office to allow continued processing of his/her
application. Failure to do so will result in delays and possible refusal of your relative's application.
没收到体检表。 但信上说:“
Requirement for Medical Examination
If your sponsored relative(s) has (have) not already done so, your relative(s) must provide an original
Upfront Medical Report form (IMM1017B UPFRONT) signed by a Panel Physician or an E-Medical Upfront
Medical Notification information sheet. Your relative(s) must complete the medical examination
and, once completed, forward this information directly to the visa office noted above along with a copy
of this letter. Your application has been transferred to the visa office noting this deficiency. Your relative
must forward the medical information directly to the visa office to allow continued processing of his/her
application. Failure to do so will result in delays and possible refusal of your relative's application.




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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