大家好 我是在2014年7月递交的申请材料,自从递交就没有收到任何邮件,打电话询问就告诉我还没有被审理,在排队中。今年3月我申请了open work visa, 于今年6 月底拿到了工签。之后突然能在网上查询到我的PR卡申请了,不过查询的结果仍然是排队中。就在今年10 月6 号,我发现网上我的邮寄地址是错的,于是我修改了邮寄地址,由于本人英文水平太差,不晓得怎么就cancel掉了,等我再想在网上查询时显示“we received instructions to remove this application and address information from the Internet "
Remove website access to my application status and address information.
Note: This means you or anyone else will no longer be able to access your application status and address information on this website. You will have to
contact us to learn about changes to your application status and to update your address information.