图书馆工作 is a part-time job, the pay is $22 per hour.
full time, non-tenure, tenure track, tenured,permanent, temp都有,看你运气,薪水从2万-33万,看你运气,
Library Salaries Information
Salaries for library workers vary depending on a number of factors including the type of library (i.e. public, school, academic, etc.), size of library, the region of the country, years of experience, etc.
In general, salaries are usually higher in academic libraries (vs. public), large metropolitan areas (vs. rural).
The American Library Association-Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA): the Organization for the Advancement of Library Employees advocates to improve the salaries and status of librarians and other library workers According to the Salary Survey conducted in 2008 by the ALA-APA:
- Salaries ranged from $22,000 to $331,200
- Mean salary for librarians -- $58,960
- Median ALA MLS salary -- $53,251
For more information and details, see the following pages: