Mockingjay P1/P2其实也有同样的问题。当初The Hunger Games第一部影片上映后取得了很大成功,但第二部导演却换了人。前几天我在IMDb上看有人谈内幕,说Lionsgate本来是想让Gary Ross接着拍第二部。但Gary Ross坚持,要把片子拍好,不可能一年出一部片子,前一部片子还在后期制作,导演又忙乎下一部去了。而且下一部片子也没有细致的前期准备。最后Lionsgate只好换了Francis Lawrence。 Lawrence拍的后三部,除了第一部Catching Fire成为观众交口皆赞的精品外,后两部质量明显滑坡,除了把一部书拆分为二导致每部电影故事都不完整的因素外,估计也和导演没有时间做细致的准备有一定关系。
这两天把Mockingjay P2看了两遍。感觉这部片子里还是有不少亮点的。只是一部书被硬分成两部,为了凑时间,片子中添加了不少冗长的内容平庸的镜头充数。比如P1中营救Peeta的细节,还有P2中“小分队”在地道里的镜头,占据了片子很长一段时间。而无论那个观众进电影院看饥饿游戏,都不是为了看战争片和恐怖片来的。总得来说,Mockingjay P1/2缺乏饥饿游戏前两部片子那种intensity。另外许多细节显得粗糙经不起推敲。比如P2中的star squad大摇大摆地在the capitol的街上走,与当时的战争气氛很不相称。
Katniss, maybe the country was shocked tonight by your arrow, but once again, I was not. You were exactly who I believed you were. I wish I could give you a proper goodbye. But with both Coin and Snow died, the fate of the country will be decide tonight, and I can't be seen at your side.
Tonight, the 12 district leaders will call for a free election. There is little doubt that Paylor will carry it. She has become the voice of reason.
I'm sorry so much burden fell on you. I know you'll never escape it. But if I had to put you through it again for this outcome, I would. The war is over, and we will enter that sweat period where everyone agrees not to repeat the recent horrors. Of course, we are fickle, stupid beings, with poor memories and great gift for elf-distruction. Although who knows? Maybe this time, we will learn. I have secured you a ride out of the Capitol. It's better for you to be out of sight. And when the time is right, Commander Paylor will pardon you. The country will find its peace. I hope you can find yours.