不仅仅中国移民,外国五毛也很卖力。比如 Robin Daverman。下面是有人翻译的。
Answered by Robin Daverman
I hate to break it to you, but the West's obsession is not the Chinese obsession. The CCP's obsession right now is to separate power and money, thus the anti-corruption movement. This is a reflection of the general sentiment of the Chinese people, because in the past 1,000+ years, every single Chinese is convinced that when money and power get together, the common people become the "fish and meat" for the powerful+wealthy. There are poems and idioms thousands of years old describing the evils befell on the people when money and power collude with each other. In a sense, every single Chinese government in the past 1,000 years had been obsessed with holding back the irresistible attraction between money and power.
So the CCP is implementing policies such as forbidding family members of government officials to be in commercial enterprises, and ordering that the top official in a county or a province must come from outside, instead of from a local area. The provincial governors are regularly rotated out after 5 years, and somebody else from outside will come in and "review the book", so to speak. Retired officials spend their days fishing or gardening, and not "consulting" for private equity firms or arms industry. Similar policies have been in practice in China for over 500 years and have been shown to work well against corruption. Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty , for example, forbade people engaging in commerce to attend National Civil Exams and become a government official, and forbade government officials to take up a post within 500 miles of their original homes. Unfortunately they are also completely incompatible with democracy.
In the US bankers get to be governors without any prior experience, and half of the presidential campaign is funded by only 158 super-rich families. Essentially they are the ones who picked the presidential candidates. That's what democracy look like in the US. In China this will cause a revolution. 158 (mostly) white families have contributed almost half of 2016 campaign spending . The Families Funding the 2016 Presidential Election
Politicians who take money from rich people are by definition corrupt in China. You don't need to prove that they actually give favors in exchange for the money. They go to jail just for taking the money. People in the US are not bothered by this, as long as it's somewhat "disclosed". Political campaigns cost a lot of money, and the people in the US don't want to fund it, so the money has to come from the rich. A dollar a vote is perfectly fine, because Americans believe that rich people should have more political power, thus the Supreme Court decision of "money" is "speech". Buying influence with money is called democracy. It's legal, not corruption. Buckley v. Valeo, Citizens United v. FEC The Chinese on the other hand, looking back at the past 1,000 years of history, are convinced this is the way to commit national suicide and bring tremendous misery to the common people.
在中国,凡是接受富人金钱的官员,就是贪污腐败。你根本不需要证明官员为了钱提供了什么好处。他们通通都要为之做大牢。美国人根本不会在意这个,哪怕已经被揭露出来。政治竞选花费不菲,美国普通人又不会赞助,所以这些钱都来自富人。以钱换票是正当的,因为美国人认为富人就应该拥有更大的政治权力,所以最高法院认为金钱就是真理。用金钱买影响力,就是所谓的民主了。它是合法的,不是腐败。链接,Buckley v. Valeo, Citizens United v. FEC. 中国,恰恰相反,1000多年来的历史证明,这条路只能导致国破家亡。
Fundamentally, the Americans believe that rich people with power will make other Americans richer. The Chinese believe that rich people with power will use the power to make themselves even richer at the expense of the common people.
There is no way to reconcile these two different versions of the reality by 2030.
So now the Americans are snickering that China's policy is driving all the rich and talented folks out of the country, and the Chinese are keeping their mouths resolutely shut, muttering to herself that "somebody is being sold down the river, and still eagerly helping them count out the money."