tototo 9,177 2018-01-14 #3 Time you have lived in Canada Regardless of your age, you must have been physically present in Canada for at least: 1095 days during the five years right before the date you sign your application 问题就是这个所谓的五年应该从什么时候开始。
Time you have lived in Canada Regardless of your age, you must have been physically present in Canada for at least: 1095 days during the five years right before the date you sign your application 问题就是这个所谓的五年应该从什么时候开始。
椽子 我爱大清朝,我怕他完了。 2,170 2018-01-15 #12 sunny98 说: 错误,官网上从来没有说这一点,而且多少人就等新法通过,住到3年就申请了。 点击展开... 我靠,那我14年不回去,现在都够入籍了,入了籍再回去建设社会主义啊,亏大发了。