Democracy, at least as we know it in the modern world, is just as much about protecting the rights of minorities as it is about respecting the will of the majority.
保护少数群体,和尊重大多数人意见,都是民主的基石。以为没有所谓主流媒体的报道,以为华人的出声会得罪所谓主流社会,这些人根本就不明白民主到底是什么。(要偷换概念,说华人集会就是攻击人家小女孩攻击穆斯林的,请拿出证据,看看已经集会过的几个城市 哪个标语不妥当有问题的?)
democracy is about tolerance, about enforcing tolerance if need be, so that minorities - racial, ethnic, religious - are protected by the system.
保护其他少数群体的利益,不等于就要靠散布谎言损害另一群人。我们尊重别人的权利,不等于就容忍别人的污蔑构陷。我就想问问高等华人,这个事件中,does the system protect the asian community? 事发后四个小时,不等事实厘清,各大媒体各个政党各种政客蜂拥而上,请问华人遇到类似事件,何曾有过如此待遇?我们反对的不是那个小女孩,而是这个不公平的system
I'm not claiming that democracy is perfect. Quite the opposite, in fact, and that's precisely its glory. Totalitarian states are the ones that always need to pretend they're perfect. Their claim to power lies in preserving an unruffled mask of public perfection. Democracy, by contrast, is all over the place. It's messy, it's inefficient, and it's often undignified. As the old sayings goes, democracy is the worst system of government the world has ever known, except for all the others. Don't expect perfection!