Trump: You know what I'd like to do?I'd like him to go back to the State Department or as thay call it,the Deep State Department,if you don't mind.I'd like to have him go back and do his job.So does anybody have any question?(进退失据,毫无章法,连团结自己人都做不到。)
Dr. Fauci 的表情:
解释下为啥Dr. Fauci为啥忍不住吧。Trump在发言中又提到Deep State Department这个概念(意思是深层政府,政府中的隐形政府,类似中共的“我们中出了一伙工贼” 。)
Trump: You know what I'd like to do?I'd like him to go back to the State Department or as thay call it,the Deep State Department,if you don't mind.I'd like to have him go back and do his job.So does anybody have any question?(进退失据,毫无章法,连团结自己人都做不到。)
Dr. Fauci 的表情:
解释下为啥Dr. Fauci为啥忍不住吧。Trump在发言中又提到Deep State Department这个概念(意思是深层政府,政府中的隐形政府,类似中共的“我们中出了一伙工贼” 。)