Can I refuse to go to work because of COVID-19 concerns? Will I be paid?


Can I refuse to go to work because of COVID-19 concerns? Will I be paid?

For those who are required to work but are uncomfortable attending, ask your employer for consent to work from home, or, if that is refused, for an unpaid leave of absence. At a minimum, employers must ensure social distancing, a sanitized workspace, and that no one be permitted to enter the workplace who has returned from another country or been near an infected person for 14 days or displays symptoms of COVID-19.

If the employer does not ensure a safe workplace, an employee can refuse to work and cannot be fired for that. But if the employer insists on your attending work which you view unsafe, you must inform your employer and ask that an Occupational Health and Safety Inspector make a determination.

Given that safety officers are extraordinarily backlogged right now, you will have a long initial period before you could be forced to work. If they attend and rule it is safe but you still refuse to work, you can be dismissed for cause.

Hopefully, employers for moral reasons will permit the employee a leave of absence instead. If they rule it is unsafe, then you need not attend the workplace. At that point, the company laying you off without pay, without providing you the ability to work from home or providing a safe working environment, would be considered a case of constructive dismissal.



Can I refuse to go to work because of COVID-19 concerns? Will I be paid?

For those who are required to work but are uncomfortable attending, ask your employer for consent to work from home, or, if that is refused, for an unpaid leave of absence. At a minimum, employers must ensure social distancing, a sanitized workspace, and that no one be permitted to enter the workplace who has returned from another country or been near an infected person for 14 days or displays symptoms of COVID-19.

If the employer does not ensure a safe workplace, an employee can refuse to work and cannot be fired for that. But if the employer insists on your attending work which you view unsafe, you must inform your employer and ask that an Occupational Health and Safety Inspector make a determination.

Given that safety officers are extraordinarily backlogged right now, you will have a long initial period before you could be forced to work. If they attend and rule it is safe but you still refuse to work, you can be dismissed for cause.

Hopefully, employers for moral reasons will permit the employee a leave of absence instead. If they rule it is unsafe, then you need not attend the workplace. At that point, the company laying you off without pay, without providing you the ability to work from home or providing a safe working environment, would be considered a case of constructive dismissal.
这种补贴有负面效应, 比如, 菜店,药店,装修店的底薪位置,难找人,

收垃圾的,开公交车的, 各种送外卖的,时间长了,会感到不平衡
这种不工作的补助对小生意是致命打击。政府也意识到了,弄出补助75%工资的做法,还说这些人可以再hire回去,政府提供一个退回去CERB的选项,这些人可以回去工作。但是对于part time以及低薪员工,他们不工作可以拿2000的话根本就不会回去,政府的做法非常坏。


很多小生意的客户本来符合cews 的条件的,但员工一哄而走,都是自愿离开的,全都申请了,虽然他们的工资都发到三月底了根本不符合条件的。这些生意虽然受到影响,但本来还可以有些收入弥补损失和店租的,现在损失更大。
最后编辑: 2020-04-10


这种不工作的补助对小生意是致命打击。政府也意识到了,弄出补助75%工资的做法,还说这些人可以再hire回去,政府提供一个退回去CERB的选项,这些人可以回去工作。但是对于part time以及低薪员工,他们不工作可以拿2000的话根本就不会回去,政府的做法非常坏。


很多小生意的客户本来符合cews 的条件的,但员工一哄而走,都是自愿离开的,全都申请了,虽然他们的工资都发到三月底了根本不符合条件的。这些生意虽然受到影响,但本来还可以有些收入弥补损失和店租的,现在损失更大。






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