
我觉得最难其实是Nunavut :ROFLMAO:

最后编辑: 2020-11-01

今天调冬令时 :unsure:
今天调冬令时 :unsure:



最后编辑: 2020-11-01


可以参照于谦于大爷,弄一个各种动物欢聚一堂的xxx场,有锦毛野鸡,矮马,狗,etc etc.
可以参照于谦于大爷,弄一个各种动物欢聚一堂的xxx场,有锦毛野鸡,矮马,狗,etc etc.

最后编辑: 2020-11-01


我看你挺适合北极的:北极熊,海豹,北极狐 etc etc 一定会成为你的好伙伴 :ROFLMAO:
我看你挺适合北极的:北极熊,海豹,北极狐 etc etc 一定会成为你的好伙伴 :ROFLMAO:
可能我会以《Into the Wild》克里斯.麦肯道斯的the Magic Bus为目标,在阿拉斯加促进人类野生,在精神上复活他。北极没什么感情上的联结,除了一本小说中描述一只雪撬犬怎样从辅助犬成为领头犬的心路历程深深打动于我,还有就是因纽特人喝血补充养分。温室中造不出森林,还是最爱洛基山林雪峰碧湖,最爱阿拉斯加的麦金利峰和史坦皮小径。不要带人类去祸害北极,我不告诉你我偷偷去。
最后编辑: 2020-11-01
今天在FB上, 可爱的乡亲们回答我的问题:
Is there any farmland within 100 km of Calgary , 20 acres+, under $300k, I want one for homestead or hobby farm while still working in city.

As a want-to-be farmer, I plan to own a cheap land to farm with while still working in city to support it. Totally new, and to try everything I can from scratch, which is an adventure of life. My goal is to practice some types of winter greenhouses to grow living creatures in Alberta's harsh winter, which means year-round growing, with common sense approaches and low maintenance costs for anyone to copy in a easy way.

Kate 回答:You might have some luck around Brant in Vulcan County. But the land there is pretty dry so not great for crops. Anywhere around an hours drive of Calgary is pretty expensive even for small bareland parcels.

Wendy: It might soon be a buyers market in Alberta? I personally hope not but that could be the way it’s going


Kaylea: Not likely. You’ll also require minimum 30%down for land

Don’t give up because of the nay sayers, this is a great goal! People are hurting now and one approach may be to lease some land from those that could use the extra revenue. Plus it may not hurt to develop a relationship with the landowner if they farm, they may be able to give some valuable advice.
Keep searching, I suspect you’ll make your dream a reality.
Best wishes!!

Ryan: Keep an eye out in the auctions... you never know...

Starks: Good for you! I moved from the city too 5 years ago it’s worth it but you’d have pretty remote bare land for that. Our place is for sale now just west of Carstairs but it’s 128 acres house shop year round heated barn beautiful mountain view but it’s 1.45M

Ariel: Anything over 10 acres banks don't like to give easy mortgages for. Also, if there are outbuildings on the land, they don't like that either. They only care about the house itself, not the land or anything else. Prices are dropping quickly however, and it won't be hard to find what you're looking for. My hubby and I have been working with a broker friend and have already found several properties over past the Strathmore area, closer to camrose, drumheller, more east seems to be cheapest and nicer, newer homes. Keep in mind too you'll need about 30/40% down with more than 10 acres of land. Good luck :)

Why not go to Saskatchewan and get a million more acres for your $$$ and have less pressure to earn
Look on farmmarketer.com

but if u buy a farm and a house for $145,000
Won’t have to have a job to support a mortgage on a farm for $300,000
最后编辑: 2020-11-01
今天在FB上, 可爱的乡亲们回答我的问题:
Is there any farmland within 100 km of Calgary , 20 acres+, under $300k, I want one for homestead or hobby farm while still working in city.

As a want-to-be farmer, I plan to own a cheap land to farm with while still working in city to support it. Totally new, and to try everything I can from scratch, which is an adventure of life. My goal is to practice some types of winter greenhouses to grow living creatures in Alberta's harsh winter, which means year-round growing, with common sense approaches and low maintenance costs for anyone to copy in a easy way.

Kate 回答:You might have some luck around Brant in Vulcan County. But the land there is pretty dry so not great for crops. Anywhere around an hours drive of Calgary is pretty expensive even for small bareland parcels.

Wendy: It might soon be a buyers market in Alberta? I personally hope not but that could be the way it’s going


Kaylea: Not likely. You’ll also require minimum 30%down for land

Don’t give up because of the nay sayers, this is a great goal! People are hurting now and one approach may be to lease some land from those that could use the extra revenue. Plus it may not hurt to develop a relationship with the landowner if they farm, they may be able to give some valuable advice.
Keep searching, I suspect you’ll make your dream a reality.
Best wishes!!

Ryan: Keep an eye out in the auctions... you never know...

Starks: Good for you! I moved from the city too 5 years ago it’s worth it but you’d have pretty remote bare land for that. Our place is for sale now just west of Carstairs but it’s 128 acres house shop year round heated barn beautiful mountain view but it’s 1.45M

Ariel: Anything over 10 acres banks don't like to give easy mortgages for. Also, if there are outbuildings on the land, they don't like that either. They only care about the house itself, not the land or anything else. Prices are dropping quickly however, and it won't be hard to find what you're looking for. My hubby and I have been working with a broker friend and have already found several properties over past the Strathmore area, closer to camrose, drumheller, more east seems to be cheapest and nicer, newer homes. Keep in mind too you'll need about 30/40% down with more than 10 acres of land. Good luck :)

Why not go to Saskatchewan and get a million more acres for your $$$ and have less pressure to earn
Look on farmmarketer.com

PARIS, FRANCE -- Future pandemics will happen more often, kill more people and wreak even worse damage to the global economy than COVID-19 without a fundamental shift in how humans treat nature, the United Nations' biodiversity panel said Thursday.
Are you committed to a hundred Kms. I have land available near Gull Lake the land is zoned country residential I may be able to make larger parcels if you're interested from 10 to 50 acres in a farming district lots of good water you can call or text me if you would like 780 918 1982
Hello, I respect your vision and your efforts to search and learn..... We farm east of Airdrie towards Irricana.... I wonder what kind of long term goal u have?.... To be more self sufficient and healthy I assume, which is an awesome goal! ..... As u see land value rises, closer to the city obviously. .. Be careful as I mentioned in my comment on your post about travel/ location.... You can buy 20 plus acres for 300 but it's no fun commuting! .... Our farm is 300 acres and we subdivided it in to 3 parcels as we wind down to retire.... We would consider helping someone financially if all was good in the plan.... Di u want the mls links to our land? ... We actually have 2 parcels... Tristan..

Yes, totally consent your vision from here. I like thinking and trying ideas. Loving living creatures, grass, flowers, mushrooms, vegetables. Still remember planting corn crops when I was 10 years old following my mom's guidance. When I noticed that it's so hard for Alberta to grow in its harsh winter, nothing can stop me from trying a way of it. I tried hydroponics in my basement 3 years ago, by my assumption of growing in bunkers of a farm with artificial lights. I'm kind of busy at the moment, and will talk with you later. Have a good day, Tristan.
Hello, I respect your vision and your efforts to search and learn..... We farm east of Airdrie towards Irricana.... I wonder what kind of long term goal u have?.... To be more self sufficient and healthy I assume, which is an awesome goal! ..... As u see land value rises, closer to the city obviously. .. Be careful as I mentioned in my comment on your post about travel/ location.... You can buy 20 plus acres for 300 but it's no fun commuting! .... Our farm is 300 acres and we subdivided it in to 3 parcels as we wind down to retire.... We would consider helping someone financially if all was good in the plan.... Di u want the mls links to our land? ... We actually have 2 parcels... Tristan..

Yes, totally consent your vision from here. I like thinking and trying ideas. Loving living creatures, grass, flowers, mushrooms, vegetables. Still remember planting corn crops when I was 10 years old following my mom's guidance. When I noticed that it's so hard for Alberta to grow in its harsh winter, nothing can stop me from trying a way of it. I tried hydroponics in my basement 3 years ago, by my assumption of growing in bunkers of a farm with artificial lights. I'm kind of busy at the moment, and will talk with you later. Have a good day, Tristan.

farming is not for everybody.




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