大的能源公司 ----------- they can not even have their own ass covered in this economy and they have the free cash on the side to waste on farming with countless uncertainties and contingencies. A recent major M&A will lead to tons of job cuts and we just have to believe the major O&Gs are all out of their freaking mind. Then this is the same to say only idiots can understand quantum physics and those who really know some shit are better off digging into the dirt, looking for gold.
大的能源公司 ----------- they can not even have their own ass covered in this economy and they have the free cash on the side to waste on farming with countless uncertainties and contingencies. A recent major merger will lead to tons of job cuts and we just have to believe the major O&Gs are all out of their freaking mind. Then this is the same to say only idiots can understand quantum physics and those who really know some shit are better off digging into the dirt, looking for gold.
政府出资环保项目 ---------- If it is government funding, then good luck with it.
几千年人类都没有这样想过 ------------ this is 100% BS, Inuit people had done that, say, thousands of years ago, without any help of modern technology. What makes you so special and imperative in this? Tech or cash? If you have neither then it is just a dream that is not unique in any regards and can be replaced by anyone in any day.
政府出资环保项目 ---------- If it is government funding, then good luck with it.
几千年人类都没有这样想过 ------------ this is 100% BS, Inuit people had done that, say, thousands of years ago, without any help of modern technology. What makes you so special and imperative in this? Tech or cash? If you have neither then it is just a dream that is not unique in any regards and can be replaced by anyone in any day.
Here's a 12.7 acre vacant acreage for the price of a 4 acre parcel near Airdrie. The parcel comes with a 5 gpm well, power & natural gas paid for to the proposed building site. The property is fenced and x-fenced and has double gates on the front for privacy. The price includes applicable GST. Build your dream home or move an affordable modular on the property and be in for fall! Can't beat the price, so bring the pets and horses and get started now! Very attractive interest rates for qualified buyers! All Now!!