根据官方的说法,如果加拿大居民离开加拿大超过一年的时间,根据tariff item No. 9805.00.00法规的规定,再次登陆时可以申报不超过$10000的个人物品(而不是以前帖子中说到的$750)。其中不包括烟,酒,结婚用品和超过$10000的其它物品等。申报的条件是该物品必须是自有,自用,并在返加前使用超过半年以上。申报物品不得在一年内出售,不得用于商业用途,可能需要购买物品的发票以备检查。
- clothing and linen
- furniture
- furnishings
- appliances
- silverware
- jewellery
- antiques
- family heirlooms
- private collections of coins, stamps, or art
- personal computers
- books
- musical instruments
- hobby tools and other hobby items
- personal vehicles
- pleasure boats and the trailers to carry them (trailers are subject to Transport Canada requirements)
- mobile trailers, not exceeding 2.6 metres (9 feet) in width, which the owner is capable of moving on a personal basis
- utility trailers
- motor homes
- private aircrafts
- tool sheds or garages (not attached to or that form part of a dwelling)
1.离加一年以上的居民返加的规定中,10000限额是指单件物品,而不是全部物品总价。原文如下,any single应该是指单一物品的,所以官方并未限制总的物品价值?而且,on the date you import it,是否还可考虑折旧?
Former resident value limitation ($10,000)
Any single personal or household item (including an automobile) that you acquired after March 31, 1977, which is worth more than $10,000 on the date you import it, is subject to applicable duties and taxes on the amount that is over $10,000.
Wedding gifts
If you were married shortly before returning to reside in Canada, or if you will be married within three months of your return, you can import the wedding gifts you received abroad duty- and tax-free. You must have owned and possessed the gifts before you return to Canada. The six-month requirement and the requirement for use of the goods do not apply. These same conditions apply to goods that you import as part of a bride's trousseau.
3.另外,750是在上面可免税的物品之外,不符合owned,possosed,and used的要求的物品的总值。烟酒自然是包括其中的。
Additional personal exemptions
When you return to resume residence in Canada, you are entitled to claim a duty- and tax-free personal exemption of a maximum value of CAN$750 for goods you acquired abroad or while in transit. You do not have to own, possess, or use these goods before you return to Canada to resume residence.
Alcoholic beverages
You are allowed to import only one of the following amounts of alcohol free of duty and taxes:
- 1.5 litres (53 imperial ounces) of wine;
- 1.14 litres (40 ounces) of liquor;
- a total of 1.14 litres (40 ounces) of wine and liquor; or
- 24 x 355 millilitre (12 ounces) cans or bottles (maximum of 8.5 litres) of beer or ale.
Tobacco products
You are allowed to bring in
all of the following amounts of tobacco into Canada without paying duty:
- 200 cigarettes;
- 50 cigars or cigarillos;
- 200 grams (7 ounces) of manufactured tobacco; and
- 200 tobacco sticks.
If you include cigarettes, tobacco sticks, or manufactured tobacco in your personal exemptions, you will have to pay a minimum duty unless they are marked
"CANADA DUTY-PAID ● DROIT ACQUITTÉ". Canadian-made products sold at duty-free shops are marked in this way.