家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版



回复: 温哥华登陆拾趣

September 2nd marks the one month landing periods for angel. Congratulations to angel, you have a good starts with a new life in Vancouver.

All the best to your kid and you. I hope that we could meet one day in Vancouver.
:wdb7:上班2个礼拜就请了一个礼拜病假卧床休息,原来OFFICE JOB也有体力不支的时候---生了点不能久坐的毛病,可千万要自愈哦,我可不想等到医疗卡到了再去做手术。BOSS很人道也很可爱,听我面带窘迫的请假陈述,人家连忙说OK,好像他们给我添麻烦了似的。真感动. 看情形再歇2天就没大碍了。谢谢大家关心!

回复: 温哥华登陆拾趣

Angel. Initially I plan to meet you in Shanghai to have a farewell dinner with you. Unfortunatelly we cann't make it at that time!

I will keep my promise to meet you in Vancouver. I plan to visit my sister next Chinese New Year. May be we could meet at that time, if you see fit.

I love Canada. Its really full of caring people. I would be touching by heart for such a beautiful country in nature and the people make it great!

This is one of the reason I wish to migrate to Canada, and I know that I would take more times in comparing to Australia, to get a engineer license to practise in Canada.

Canada..... I am on the way!


回复: 温哥华登陆拾趣

Angel. Initially I plan to meet you in Shanghai to have a farewell dinner with you. Unfortunatelly we cann't make it at that time!

I will keep my promise to meet you in Vancouver. I plan to visit my sister next Chinese New Year. May be we could meet at that time, if you see fit.

I love Canada. Its really full of caring people. I would be touching by heart for such a beautiful country in nature and the people make it great!

This is one of the reason I wish to migrate to Canada, and I know that I would take more times in comparing to Australia, to get a engineer license to practise in Canada.

Canada..... I am on the way!

Thank you so much for having been so thoughtful. But I was in a total mess those days before departure and I feared to show my face faking emotions any more than necessary. As I said, the cloud lingered over my head dissipated only at the minute I set foot in this land. The hardest time has passed and I have been reborn afresh. That's why I always wear an optimistic smile on my face, even I was turned down over and over again on my job hunt, even I was detained in bed for temporary sickness. Things went on pretty well and I have started to question what the hell I didn't come here much earlier! It's true that some things have to die to be reborn and right now, I feel like a phenix rising from the ashes. It will do you a lot good if you get an engineer license on your way to Canada, my best wishes to you then.

It's not really a good time to come visit on the first season of the year, but it's ok to feel raining in Pacific northeast. Please let me know your estimated time of arrival and better bring with you a pack of Nanjing Roast Duck(suppose it would not be confiscated by the customers officer.), and we will meet at the Vancouver international airport. Deal?:wdb6:
回复: 温哥华登陆拾趣

Nanjing Roast Duck...
Yeah! I'm lovin' it!

Sure! the deal is done. We will meet at the Vancouver International Airport, and having a coffee with you either at Tim Hortons or Starbucks.

Yup! I do agree with you. You shall go to Vancouver earlier. I think the school starts on September 3 have make you busy! Its really not an easy task to be familiar with the western culture for a good start.

Angel, we will be at Jiayuan to share your happy times and the sad times (if any) for you Canadian life. At least, I will be with you!
回复: 温哥华登陆拾趣

Thank you so much for having been so thoughtful. But I was in a total mess those days before departure and I feared to show my face faking emotions any more than necessary. As I said, the cloud lingered over my head dissipated only at the minute I set foot in this land. The hardest time has passed and I have been reborn afresh. That's why I always wear an optimistic smile on my face, even I was turned down over and over again on my job hunt, even I was detained in bed for temporary sickness. Things went on pretty well and I have started to question what the hell I didn't come here much earlier! It's true that some things have to die to be reborn and right now, I feel like a phenix rising from the ashes. It will do you a lot good if you get an engineer license on your way to Canada, my best wishes to you then.

It's not really a good time to come visit on the first season of the year, but it's ok to feel raining in Pacific northeast. Please let me know your estimated time of arrival and better bring with you a pack of Nanjing Roast Duck(suppose it would not be confiscated by the customers officer.), and we will meet at the Vancouver international airport. Deal?:wdb6:

杨四龙虾,烤鸭舌? 口味表太重哦。 我们一家九月底短登温,ANGEL


回复: 温哥华登陆拾趣


收到SIN卡第二天就去黄浦军校(大统华)报到了(国内带那点钱花着心疼啊!) 然后就陆续接到面试通知, 俺就安排打工off之余满温哥华跑. 终于在登陆第37天的时候同时接到2个电话通知, 让俺去签约, 一个是tranklink的Data Entry Operator, 一个在Harbor Center做Office Assistant . 数据录入的时薪高点, 但没啥大意思, 行政助理那活很challenging, 去过Vancouver的人可能有印象哦, Harbor Center特气派, 我去面试的时候就被那阵势吓到了----skyscraper上面飘着国旗, 让我感觉就象乡下老鼠初进Hollywood 一样. 当时俺就乐了, 俺踅摸着哪怕通不过面试也值得, 好歹能捞着机会见见世面. 过了10来天在俺已经完全忘记它了的时候, 人家打电话说相中俺了, 让俺周一去签约. 当时才礼拜四, 俺这个财迷硬是在大统华打工到礼拜天晚上9点. 哈哈哈.

很享受在大统华打工的日子, 很辛苦很塌实也很开心. 从来没感觉国内的高工与当时的累脖有什么落差, 能养活自己才是真本事. 收获更大的是, 累脖近一个月把俺身体养得棒棒的, 人比在国内的时候精神多了. 现在成功打入鬼子内部, 压力反而更大了. 随时感觉英语告罄, 提心吊胆盼着probation顺利通过俺的salary也能再多点. 所以下班以后吃了晚饭又开始恶补英语了.

永远笑纳生活给你一切, things happen for a reason, I always think.

寄语等待中的同学们, 英语怎么学都不够用, 千万要珍惜国内的时间啊!
回复: 温哥华登陆拾趣




回复: 温哥华登陆拾趣



哪能够用呢! office那些家伙都是born to English的, 俺这才学了不到3年.:wdb13:
刚跟他们接触的时候小心翼翼的, 生怕说错了话让人家笑话. 后来发现人家既没有confusing也没有misunderstood, 胆子就渐渐大了起来. :wdb6:
回复: 温哥华登陆拾趣

Thanks for sharing with us.Wish Angel and Angel's family all the best!I am being on the way to Vancouver.
回复: 温哥华登陆拾趣

Angel, thanks for sharing all your stories with us, and thanks for your so positive and proactive attitude! Chances always favor prepared mind. Believe you will be absolutely fine in Vancouver!
回复: 温哥华登陆拾趣

Another fan to Angel came! Though hard to access, wish more close to my idol!




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