回复: 我什么时候能担保母亲移民?
你如果不了解魁省申请担保的程序,请不要误导, 对于魁省申请人,递交到联邦的只需以下文件,请注意,没有过去12个月的收入证明:
If you live in Quebec, you need only complete:
- the Application to sponsor and Undertaking (IMM 1344A);
We will send a copy of your IMM 1344A to the MICC in Quebec, who will send you additional documents to complete, including a
Formulaire d’engagement (a separate undertaking form). The MICC will provide you with all necessary instructions (for more information, see
Sponsors living in Quebec).
- the Receipt (IMM 5401 - see section on fees);
- the Checklist (IMM 5287); and
- the Use of a Representative form (IMM 5476), if you choose to have a representative.
If you or your co-signing spouse are currently employed, you must complete this section, giving the names of your
employers as well as the starting and termination dates of the jobs held in the past 12 months.