柠檬花园--加拿大第十山地师 - Part 4



回复: 2005年北京Case议事大厅~柠檬花园/第十山地师

专辑英文名: Best Opera Classics 100
专辑中文名: 歌剧百分百
艺术家: Various Artists
版本: [9月11日更新CD6完毕](6CD Box-set)[FLAC]
发行时间: 2004年
地区: 英国

发行编号:7243 586211 2 9
录音制式:DDD / ADD



1. 歌剧的起源最早可追溯到古希腊时期的悲剧,这种艺术形式是歌剧艺术产生的根源。
2. 中世纪时期的一些音乐形式也为歌剧的产生奠定了基础。首先是10世纪末的宗教剧,后来宗教剧被神秘剧(Mystery)和奇迹剧(Miracles)取代,盛行于14―16世纪;其次是田园剧,这种体裁用音乐、诗歌、戏剧的手段表现乡村生活的场景,它一直盛行到16世纪,成为歌剧的重要起源之一。
3. 文艺复兴时期的牧歌剧也预示着歌剧的诞生。作曲家用牧歌这一体裁形式来谱写诗歌中一些戏剧性场面,或用一组牧歌来描写一些简单的故事情节,后一种形式被成为牧歌剧。
4. 歌剧最直接的起源是15世纪末的幕间剧(Intermedio)。这是穿插在当时喜剧各幕间的一些寓言剧、神话剧或田园剧,到16世纪,各幕之间的幕间剧在情节上组成了一个相关联的故事,并且加入了装饰性的旋律和简单的和声伴奏。
5. 歌剧于16世纪末最终产生与意大利的佛罗伦萨。当时,一群文化艺术界的名人经常在贵族巴尔第(Bardi)和柯尔西(Corsi)家聚会,他们热衷于恢复古希腊的戏剧,力图创造出一种诗歌与音乐相结合的生动艺术。他们认为复调艺术破坏歌词意义的表达,主张采用单声部旋律,并且在实践中发现:在和声伴奏下自由吟唱的音调不但可以用在同一首诗歌中,还可以用于整部戏剧中。随后就产生了最早的歌剧,当时成为田园剧。

17世纪末,在罗马影响最大的是以亚•斯卡拉蒂为代表的那不勒斯歌剧乐派。该乐派在剧中不用合唱及芭蕾场面,而高度发展了被后世称为“美声”的独唱技术。当这种“唯唱工为重” 的作风走向极端时,歌剧原有的戏剧性表现力和思想内涵几乎丧失殆尽。于是到18世纪20年代,遂有取材于日常生活、剧情诙谐、音乐质朴的喜歌剧体裁的兴起。意大利喜歌剧的第一部典范之作是帕戈莱西的《女佣作主妇》(1733年首演),该剧原是一部正歌剧的幕间剧,1752年在巴黎上演时,曾遭到保守派的诋毁,因而掀起了歌剧史上著名的“喜歌剧论战”。出于卢梭手笔的法国第一部喜歌剧《乡村占卜师》就是在这场论战和这部歌剧的启示下诞生的。
19世纪以后,意大利的 g.罗西尼、g.威尔迪、g.普契尼,德国的r.瓦格纳、法国的g.比才、俄罗斯的m.i.格林卡、m.p.穆索尔斯基、p.n.柴科夫斯基等歌剧大师为歌剧的发展作出了重要贡献。成型于18世纪的“轻歌剧”(operettta,意为:小歌剧)已演进、发展成为一种独立的体裁。它的特点是:结构短小、音乐通俗,除独唱、重唱、合唱、舞蹈外,还用说白。奥国作曲家索贝、原籍德国的法国作曲家奥芬・巴赫是这一体裁的确立者。



P.S. 《歌剧百分百》现已更新完毕,谢谢大家的支持和分享!
近期发布预告:《巴洛克选集 - Ultimate Baroque》,敬请留意。



Best Opera Classics 100 CD1:
01. Mozart: Le Nozze de Figaro - Voi che sapete (Cherubino)
莫扎特:《费加罗的婚礼》 - 各位自认了解爱为何物的女士们
Teresa Berganza, mezzo-soprano / English Chamber Orchestra / Daniel Barenboim / 1977
02. Mozart: Le Nozze de Figaro - Porgi amor (Countess)
莫扎特:《费加罗的婚礼》 - 爱情啊, 请赐我解药
Heather Harper, soprano / English Chamber Orchestra / Daniel Barenboim / 1977
03. Mozart: Don Giovanni - Deh, vieni alla finestra (Don Giovanni) (Serenade)
莫扎特:《唐・璜》 - 喔, 到窗边来, 我的爱人
Thomas Allen, baritone / London Philharmonic Orchestra / Bernard Haitink / 1984
04. Mozart: Don Giovanni - Batti, batti, o bel Masetto (Zerlina)
莫扎特:《唐・璜》 - 打我啊, 打我啊, 亲爱的马赛托
Elizabeth Gale, soprano / London Philharmonic Orchestra / Bernard Haitink / 1984
05. Mozart: Die Zauberflote - Der Holle Rache (The Queen of the Night)
莫扎特:《魔笛》 - 地狱的怒火
Edda Moser, soprano / Orchester der Bayerischen Staatsoper, Munchen / Wolfgang Sawallisch / 1973
06. Mozart: Die Zauberflote - O Isis und Osiris (Sarastro & chorus)
莫扎特:《魔笛》 - 喔, 艾西斯与艾西里斯
Cornelius Hauptmann, bass / Schutz Choir / London Classical Players / Roger Norrington / 1991
07. Mozart: Cosi fan Tutte - Temerari ... Come scoglio (Fiordiligi)
莫扎特:《女人心》 - 大胆……我们像石头一样不动
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, soprano / Philharmonia Orchestra / Karl Bohm / 1963
08. Rossini: Il Barbiere di Siviglia - La calunnia e un venticello (Basilio)
罗西尼:《塞维里亚的理发师》 - 流言有如清风
Ruggero Rainmondi, bass / London Symphony Orchestra / James Levine / 1975
09. Verdi: Don Carlo - Nei giardin del bello (Eboli) (Veil Song)
威尔第:《唐・卡洛》 - 在这美好的摩尔人皇宫花园里
Shirley Verrett, mezzo-soprano / Delia Wallis, soprano / Royal Opera House, Covent Garden / Carlo Maria Giulini / 1971
10. Bellini: Norma - Casta Diva (Norma)
贝利尼:《诺尔玛》 - 圣洁女神
Maria Callas, soprano / Core e orchestra del Teatro alla Scala, Milano / Tullio Serafin / 1961
11. Verdi: Aida - Se quel guerrier ... Celeste Aida (Radames)
威尔第:《阿依达》 - 圣洁阿依达
Franco Corelli, tenor / Orchestra del Teatro dell'Opera, Roma / Zubin Mehta / 1967
12. Verdi: La Traviata - Tenesta la promessa ... Addio del passato (Violetta)
威尔第:《茶花女》 - 再会了, 昔日的小径
Beverly Sills, soprano / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Aldo Ceccato / 1972
13. Verdi: Otello - Niun mi tema (Otello)
威尔第:《奥塞罗》 - 你好大的胆子
Jon Vickers, tenor / Berliner Philharmoniker / Herbert von Karajan / 1974
14. Puccini: Madama Butterfly - Un bel di vedremo (Butterfly)
普契尼:《蝴蝶夫人》 - 美好的一天
Renata Scotto, soprano / Orchestra del Teatro dell'Opera, Roma / Sir John Barbirolli / 1967
15. Puccini: Tosca - E lucevan le stelle (Cavaradossi)
普契尼:《托丝卡》 - 星光满天
Placido Domingo, tenor / Philharmonia Orchestra / James Levine / 1981
16. Puccini: La Boheme - Si, mi chiamano Mimi (Mimi)
普契尼:《波西米亚人》 - 小名叫咪咪
Mirella Freni, soprano / Orchestra del Teatro dell'Opera, Roma / Thomas Schippers / 1964
17. Puccini: Manon Lescaut - In quelle trine morbide (Manon)
普契尼:《曼侬・莱斯科》 - 在这片帘幕背后
Montserrat Caballe, soprano / New Philharmonia Orchestra / Bruno Bartoletti / 1972
18. Puccini: Turandot - Signore, ascolta (Liu)
普契尼:《图兰朵》 - 先生, 请听我说
Kiri Te Kanawa, soprano / London Symphony Orchestra / Myung-Whun Chung / 1990
19. Leoncavallo: I Pagliacci - Recitar ... Vesti la giubba (Canio)
列昂卡瓦罗:《丑角》 - 粉墨登场
Jose Carreras, tenor / Philharmonia Orchestra / Riccardo Muti / 1980
20. Giordano: Fedora - Amor ti vieta di non amar (Loris)
乔达诺:《费朵拉》 - 爱神不许你不去爱
Roberto Alagna, tenor / Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden / Mark Elder / 2003
Best Opera Classics 100 CD2:
01. Gounod: Faust - Le veau d'or est toujours debout (Mephisto)
古诺:《浮士德》 - 金色牛犊依旧矗立
Boris Christoff, bass / Choeurs et Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera de Paris / Andre Cluytens / 1959
02. Delibes: Lakme - Ou va la jeune hindoue? (Lakme) (Bell Song)
德利布:《拉克美》 - 那印度少女何处去了?
Mady Mesple, soprano / Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera de Paris / Alain Lombard / 1979
03. Gounod: Romeo et Juliette - L'amour, l'amour ... Ah! leve-toi, soleil (Romeo)
古诺:《罗密欧与茱丽叶》 - 爱情啊, 爱情啊, 升起吧太阳
Alfredo Kraus, tenor / Orchestre du Capitole de Toulouse / Michel Plasson / 1984
04. Massenet: Manon - Allons! Il le faut ... Adieu notre petite table (Manon)
马斯奈:《曼侬》 - 再会了小桌子
Ileana Cotrubas, soprano / Orchestre du Capitole de Toulouse / Michel Plasson / 1983
05. Massenet: Werther - Toute mon ame est la ... Pourquoi me reveiller (Werther)
马斯奈:《维特》 - 为何惊醒我的美梦
Nicolai Geddar, tenor / Orchestre de Paris / Georges Pretre / 1969
06. Bizet: La Jolie Fille de Perth - Quand la flamme de l'amour (Ralph)
比才:《珀思丽姝》 - 当爱的火焰燃起时
Jose Van Dam, bass / Nouvel Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France / Georges Pretre / 1985
07. Bizet: Carmen - L'amour est un oiseau rebelle (Carmen) (Habanera)
比才:《卡门》 - 爱情是只叛逆的小鸟
Victoria de los Angeles, soprano / Orchestre National de la Radiodiffusion Francaise / Sir Thomas Beecham / 1960
08. Bizet: Les Pecheurs De Perles - A cette voix ... Je crois entendre encore (Nadir)
比才:《采珠者》 - 我依旧相信在那片棕榈树下
Alain Vanzo, tenor / Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera de Paris / Georges Pretre / 1978
09. Berlioz: La Damnation de Faust - Une puce gentille (Mephisto) (Song of the Flea)
柏辽兹:《浮士德的天谴》 - 一只温柔的跳蚤
Gabriel Bacquier, baritone / Choeurs et Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera de Paris / Georges Pretre / 1970
10. Berlioz: Les Troyens - Je vais mourir ... Adieu, Fiere Cite (Didon)
柏辽兹:《特洛伊人》 - 再会了我父兄的城市
Regine Crespin, soprano / Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera de Paris / Georges Pretre / 1965
11. Saint-Saens: Samson et Dalila - Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix (Dalila)
圣桑:《参孙与达丽拉》 - 我的心房因你的声音而开启
Rita Gorr, mezzo-soprano / John Vickers, tenor / Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera de Paris / Georges Pretre / 1963
12. Wagner: Tannhauser - Wie Todesahnung ... O du mein holder Abendstern (Wolfram)
瓦格纳:《唐豪瑟》 - 晚星之歌
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, bartione / Staatsopernorchestrer Berlin / Franz Konwitschny / 1968
13. Wagner: Der Fliegende Hollander - Johohoe! Traft ihr das Schiff im Meere an? (Senta's Ballad)
瓦格纳:《飘泊的荷兰人》 - 可有人见过一艘红帆的鬼船?
Anja Silja, soprano / New Philharmonia Orchestra / Otto Klemperer / 1968
14. Wagner: Lohengrin - In fernem Land (Lohengrin)
瓦格纳:《罗恩格林》 - 在一个遥远的地方
Jess Thomas, tenor / Chor der Wiener Staatsoper / Wiener Philharmoniker / Rudolf Kempe / 1964
15. Wagner: Siegfried - Heil dir, Sonne! (Brunnhilde)
瓦格纳:《齐格菲》 - 向你致敬, 太阳!
Eva Marton, soprano / Siegfried Jerusalem, tenor / Sinfonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Munchen / Bernard Haitink / 1989
16. Wagner: Tristan und Isolde - Mild und leise (Liebestod)
瓦格纳:《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》 - 轻且柔地
Helga Dernesch, soprano / Berliner Philharmoniker / Herbert von Karajan / 1972
Best Opera Classics 100 CD3:
01. Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice - Che faro senza Euridice? (Orfeo)
格鲁克:《奥菲欧与尤丽迪茜》 - 我失去了尤丽迪茜
Agnes Baltsa, mezzo-soprano / Berliner Philharmoniker / Riccardo Muti / 1982
02. Mozart: Die Zauberflote - Der Vogelfanger bin ich ja (Papageno)
莫扎特:《魔笛》 - 我是捕鸟人
Walter Berry, baritone / Bayerisches Staatsorchester / Wolfgang Sawallisch / 1973
03. Mozart: Don Giovanni - Finch'han dal vino (Don Giovanni)
莫扎特:《唐・璜》 - 等他们都喝了点酒
Nicolai Ghiaurov, bass / New Philharmonia Orchestra / Otto Klemperer / 1966
04. Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro - E Susanna non vien! ... Dove sono (Countess)
莫扎特:《费加罗的婚礼》 - 苏珊娜没来!……美好时光今何在?
Barbara Hendricks, soprano / English Chamber Orchestra / Jeffrey Tate / 1984
05. Beethoven: Fidelio - Abscheulicher! (Leonore)
贝多芬:《费德里奥》 - 可恶的家伙!
Christa Ludwig, mezzo-soprano / Philharmonia Orchestra / Otto Klemperer / 1962
06. Rossini: Guillaume Tell - Ne m'abandonne pas, espoir de la vengeance ... Asile heredittaire (Arnold)
罗西尼:《威廉・退尔》 - 别离我而去, 复仇的希望……无声的逃亡如今充满了泪水
Nicolai Gedda, tenor / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Lamberto Gardelli / 1973
07. Rossini: Il Barbiere di Siviglia - Largo al factotum (Figaro)
罗西尼:《塞维里亚的理发师》 - 我是城里的小厮
Tito Gobbi, baritone / Philharmonia Orchestra / Alceo Galliera / 1958
08. Verdi: Don Carlo - Ella giammai m'amo! (Philip II)
威尔第:《唐・卡洛》 - 她从未曾爱过我
Ruggero Raimondi, bass / Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden / Carlo Maria Giulini / 1971
09. Verdi: Rigoletto - La donna e mobile (Duke)
威尔第:《弄臣》 - 善变的女人
Alfredo Kraus, tenor / Philharmonia Orchestra / Julius Rudel / 1979
10. Verdi: Il Trovatore - Di quella pira (Manrico)
威尔第:《游吟诗人》 - 那熊熊的火柱
Franco Corelli, tenor / Core e orchestra del Teatro dell'Opera, Roma / Thomas Schippers / 1965
11. Verdi: Otello - Esultate! (Otello)
威尔第:《奥塞罗》 - 欢欣
James McCracken, tenor / New Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir John Barbirolli / 1970
12. Verdi: Otello - Dio! mi potevi scagliar (Otello)
威尔第:《奥塞罗》 - 神啊, 你在我的头上
Placido Domingo, tenor / Justino Diaz, baritone / Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala, Milano / Lorin Maazel / 1986
13. Puccini: Tosca - Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore (Tosca)
普契尼:《托丝卡》 - 为了艺术, 为了爱
Maria Callas, soprano / Orchestre de la Societe des Concerts du Conservatoire / Georges Pretre / 1965
14. Puccini: Turandot - In questa reggia (Turandot)
普契尼:《图兰朵》 - 在这大殿上
Ghena Dimitrova, soprano / Sinfonieorchester des Munchen Rundfunks / Lamberto Gardelli / 1984
15. Puccini: Turandot - Tanto amore (Liu)
普契尼:《图兰朵》 - 隐在内心的爱
Janine Micheau, soprano / Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera de Paris / Georges Pretre / 1961
16. Puccini: Gianni Schicchi - O mio babbino caro (Lauretta)
普契尼:《强尼史基基》 - 哦, 亲爱的爸爸
Montserrat Caballe, soprano / London Symphony Orchestra / Charles Mackerras / 1969
17. Mascagni: L'amico Fritz - Ed anche Beppe amo (Fritz)
马斯卡尼:《好友弗利兹》 - 所以贝佩他也堕入爱河了
Luciano Pavarotti, tenor / Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden / Gianandrea Gavazzeni / 1969
18. Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur - Poveri fiori (Adriana)
奇莱亚:《雅德莉安娜・蕾库芙勒》 - 枯萎的小花
Maria Callas, soprano / Philharmonia Orchestra / Tullio Serafin / 1955
19. Giordano: Andrea Chenier - Come un bel di di maggio (Andrea)
乔达诺:《安德利亚谢尼叶》 - 在这五月的美好日子里
Roberto Alagna, tenor / Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden / Mark Elder / 2003
Best Opera Classics 100 CD4:
01. Gounod: Faust - Les grands seigneurs ... Ah! Je ris de me voir si belle (Marguerite) (Jewel Song)
古诺:《浮士德》 - 珠宝之歌
Victoria de los Angeles, soprano / Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera de Paris / Andre Cluytens / 1959
02. Massenet: Le Jongleur de Notre-Dame - Marie, avec I'enfant Jesus (Boniface) (Legend of the Sage)
马斯奈:《圣母院大教堂的少女》 - 玛丽, 与襁褓中的耶稣
Jules Bastin, bass / Orchestre National de l'Opera de Monte Carlo / Roger Boutry / 1978
03. Massenet: Mireille - Heureux petit berger (Mireille)
马斯奈:《蜜瑞儿》 - 幸福的小牧童
Janine Micheau, soprano / Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera de Paris / Georges Pretre / 1961
04. Thomas: Mignon - Connais-tu le pays (Mignon)
托马:《迷娘》 - 你可熟悉这乡间
Jane Rhodes, mezzo-soprano / Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera-Comique de Paris / Jean-Claude Harteman / 1966
05. Thomas: Mignon - Elle ne croyait pas dans sa candeur (Wilhelm)
托马:《迷娘》 - 她非常虔诚地相信着
Nicolai Gedda, tenor / Orchestre National de la Radiodiffusion Francaise / Georges Pretre / 1962
06. Bizet: Carmen - Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre ... Toreador (Escamillo) (Toreador's Song)
比才:《卡门》 - 斗牛士之歌
Ernest Blanc, baritone / Victoria de los Angeles, soprano (Carmen) / denis Monteil, soprano (Frasquita) / Monique Linval, soprano (Mercedes)
/ Choeurs et Orchestre National de la Radiodiffusion Francaise / Sir Thomas Beecham / 1960
07. Offenbach: Les Contes d'Hoffmann - Les oiseaux dans la charmille (Olympia)
奥芬巴赫:《霍夫曼的故事》 - 那篱笆上的小鸟
Mady Mesple, soprano / Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera de Paris / Jean-Pierre Marty / 1969
08. Berlioz: La Damnation de Faust - Maintenant, chantons ... Devant la maison de celui qui t'adore (Mephisto's Serenade)
柏辽兹:《浮士德的天谴》 - 魔鬼梅菲斯特的小夜曲
Gerard Souzay, baritone / Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera de Paris / Georges Pretre / 1962
09. Charpentier: Louise - Depuis le jour (Louise)
夏庞蒂埃:《露易丝》 - 自从那天起
Beverly Sills, soprano / Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera de Paris / Georges Pretre / 1978
10. Richard Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier - Da geht er hin (Marschallin)
理查・史特劳斯:《玫瑰骑士》 - 他就这么走了
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, soprano / Philharmonia Orchestra / Herbert von Karajan / 1957
11. Wagner: Lohengrin - Einsam in truben Tagen (Elsa's Dream)
瓦格纳:《罗恩格林》 - 艾尔莎的故事
Rehine Crespin, soprano / Orchestre National de la Radiodiffusion Francaise / Georges Pretre / 1961
12. Wagner: Tannhauser - Dich, teure Halle (Elisabeth)
瓦格纳:《唐豪瑟》 - 大厅啊, 我向你致意
Hildegard Behrens, soprano / Sinfonieorchester des Munchen Rundfunks / Peter Schneider / 1986
13. Wagner: Die Walkure - Leb wohl, du kuhnes, herrliches Kind (Wotan's Farewell)
瓦格纳:《女武神》 - 再会了, 你这大胆而奇妙的孩子
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone / Sinfonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Munchen / Rafael Kubelik / 1978
14. Wagner: Die Walkure - Hojotoho! Hojotoho! (The Ride of the Valkyries)
瓦格纳:《女武神》 - 女武神的骑行
Anita Soldh, Ruth Falcon, Ute Walther, Ursula Kunz, Margareta Hintermeier, Carolyn Watkinson, Margarita Lilowa, sopranos & mezzo-sopranos / Sinfonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Munchen / Bernard Haitink / 1991
Best Opera Classics 100 CD 5:
01. Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro - Non piu andrai (Figaro)
莫扎特:《费加罗的婚礼》 - 你再也不会离去了, 爱的小蝴蝶
Thomas Allen, baritone / Wiener Philharmoniker / Riccardo Muti / 1987
02. Mozart: Don Giovanni - La ci darem la mano (Don Giovanni / Zerlina)
莫扎特:《唐・璜》 - 你会伸手来握我的手的, 亲爱的
Eberhard Wachter, baritone / Graziella Sciutti, soprano / Philharmonia Orchestra / Carlo Maria Giulini / 1961
03. Mozart: Die Zauberflote - Duo: Pa-pa-pa (Papageno / Papagena)
莫扎特:《魔笛》 - 帕帕基诺与帕帕基娜二重唱
Andreas Schmidt, baritone / Catherine Pierard, soprano / London Classical Players / Roger Norrington / 1991
04. Mozart: Cosi fan Tutte - Soave sia il vento (Dorabella)
莫扎特:《女人心》 - 清风徐来
Carol Vaness, soprano / Claudio Desderi, bass / Delores Zieler, mezzo-soprano / London Philharmonic Orchestra / Bernard Haitink / 1987
05. Bellini: Norma - Mira, o Norma (Norma / Adalgisa)
贝利尼:《诺玛》 - 瞧啊, 诺玛
Maria Callas, soprano / Christa Ludwig, mezzo-soprano / Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala, Milano / Tullio Serafin / 1961
06. Donizetti: Lucia di Lammermoor - Il dolce suono (Lucia / Normano / Raimondo / Enrico / Chorus) (Mad Scene)
多尼采蒂:《拉美默的露奇亚》 - 那美好的梦
Edita Gruberova, soprano / Bruno Lazzaretti, tenor / Robert Lloyd, bass / Renato Bruson, baritone / Ambrosian Opera Chorus / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Nicola Rescigno / 1984
07. Donizetti: Don Pasquale - Com'e gentil (Ernesto)
多尼采蒂:《唐巴斯瓜雷》 - 这四月中旬的梦多么迷人啊
Alfredo Kraus, tenor / London Symphony Orchestra / Sarah Caldwell / 1978
08. Rossini: Il Barbiere di Siviglia - Una voce poco fa (Rosina)
罗西尼:《塞维里亚的理发师》 - 一个声音
Maria Callas, soprano / Philharmonia Orchestra / Alceo Galliera / 1958
09. Verdi: La Traviata - Libiamo ne' lieti calici (Alfredo / Violetta) (Brindisi)
威尔第:《茶花女》 - 缀着花饰的高脚杯
Alfredo Kraus, tenor / Renata Scotto, soprano / Philharmonia Orchestra / Riccardo Muti / 1982
10. Verdi: Rigoletto - Gualtier Malde! ... Caro nome (Gilda)
威尔第:《弄臣》 - 瓜尔提叶!……亲爱的名字
Daniela Dessi, soprano / Ernesto Gavazzi, tenor / Lucio Gallo, baritone / Michele Pertusi, bass / Core e orchestra del Teatro alla Scala, Milano / Riccardo Muti / 1988
11. Verdi: Aida - Ritorna vincitor (Aida)
威尔第:《阿依达》 - 凯旋归来
Birgit Nilsson, soprano / Orchestra del Teatro dell'Opera, Roma / Zubin Mehta / 1967
12. Verdi: Otello - Ave Maria (Desdemona)
威尔第:《奥塞罗》 - 圣母颂
Katia Ricciarelli, soprano / Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala, Milano / Lorin Maazel / 1986
13. Puccini: Turandot - Nessun Dorma (Calaf)
普契尼:《图兰朵》 - 彻夜未眠
Franco Corelli, tenor / Orchestra del Teatro dell'Opera, Roma / Francesco Molinari-Pradelli / 1966
14. Puccini: La Boheme - Che gelida manina (Rodolfo)
普契尼:《波希米亚人》 - 你那冰凉的小手
Nicolai Gedda, tenor / Orchestra del Teatro dell'Opera, Roma / Thomas Schippers / 1964
15. Catalani: La Wally - Ebben? Ne andro lontana (La Wally)
卡塔拉尼:《娃莉》 - 那么, 我就要到那很远的地方去
Barbara Hendricks, soprano / Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France / Paavo Jarvi / 2003
Best Opera Classics 100 CD6:
01. Adam: Le Postillon de Lonjumeau - Mes amis, ecoutez l'histoire (Chapelou)
亚当:《隆朱默的邮递马车》 - 我的好友们, 听我的故事
Nicolai Gedda, tenor / Orchestre National de la Radiodiffusion Francaise / Georges Pretre / 1962
02. Adam: La Muette de Portici - Mieux vaut mourir ... Amour sacre de la patrie (Massaniello / Pietro)
亚当:《波地齐的哑女孩》 - 对祖国崇高的爱
Alfredo Kraus, tenor / Jean-Philippe Lafont, baritone / Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte Carlo / Thomas Fulton / 1987
03. Gounod: Romeo et Juliette - Ah! Je veux vivre dans ce reve (Juliette)
古诺:《罗密欧与茱丽叶》 - 啊, 我想在这迷人的美梦中生活下去
Mady Mesple, soprano / Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera de Paris / Jean-Pierre Marty / 1969
04. Lalo: Le Roi D'ys - Puisqu'on ne peut flechir ... Vainement, ma bien-aimee (Mylio)
拉罗:《易斯之王》 - 既然这些嫉妒的家伙不肯罢休……这全是徒然, 我亲爱的
Henry Legay, tenor / Choeurs et Orchestre National de la Radiodiffusion Francaise / Andre Cluytens / 1957
05. Massenet: Manon - Suis-je gentille ainsi? ... Je marche sur tous les chemins (Manon)
马斯奈:《曼侬》 - 我的样子如何?……我就是女王
June Anderson, soprano / Orchestre du Capitole de Toulouse / Michel Plasson / 1990
06. Offenbach: Les Contes D'Hoffman - Belle nuit, o nuit d'amour (Nicklausse / Giulietta) (Barcarolle)
奥芬巴赫:《霍夫曼的故事》 - 美好的夜, 爱的夜(船歌)
Ann Murray, mezzo-soprano / Jessye Norman, soprano / Choeurs et Orchestre de l'Opera National du Theatre Royal de la Monnaie de Bruxelles / Sylvain Cambreling / 1988
07. Bizet: Carmen - La fleur que tu m'avais jetee (Don Jose)
比才:《卡门》 - 花之歌
Jose Carreras, tenor / Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden / Jacques Delacote / 1985
08. Bizet: Les Pecheurs de Perles - C'est toi! ... Au fond du temple saint (Zurga / Nadir)
比才:《采珠者》 - 是你……从那圣庙深处
John Aler, tenor / Gino Quilico, baritone / Orchestre du Capitole de Toulouse / Michel Plasson / 1989
09. Massenet: Werther - Werther, Werther, qui m'aurait dit ... Ces lettres! (Charlotte) (Letter Song)
马斯奈:《维特》 - 夏绿蒂的读信歌
Tatiana Troyanos, soprano / London Philharmonic Orchestra / Michel Plasson / 1979
10. Delibes: Lakme - Viens, Mallika (Lakme / Mallika)
德利布:《拉克美》 - 来吧, 玛莉卡
Mady Mesple, soprano / Danielle Millet, mezzo-soprano / Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera-Comique de Paris / Alain Lombard / 1971
11. Massenet: Thais - Ah! Je suis seule enfin ... Dis-moi que je suis belle (Thais) (Mirror Scene)
马斯奈:《泰伊思》 - 啊, 终于让我得以独处了……告诉我, 说我很美
Beverly Sills, soprano / New Philharmonia Orchestra / Lorin Maazel / 1976
12. Gounod: Faust - Alerte, alerte! ... Anges purs, anges radieux (Mephisto / Marguerite / Faust)
古诺:《浮士德》 - 小心啊, 小心啊! …… 纯净的天使, 光明的天使
Nicolai Ghiaurov, bass / Mirella Freni, soprano / Placido Domingo, tenor / Choeurs et Orchestre du Theatre National de l'Opera de Paris / Georges Pretre / 1979
13. Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov - Boris's Farewell
穆索斯基:《波里斯・郭德诺夫》 - 波里斯的告别
Boris Christoff, bass / Orchestre de la Societe des Concerts du Conservatoire / Andre Cluytens / 1962
14. Weber: Oberon - Schreckensschwur! (Oberon)
韦伯:《奥伯龙》 - 英勇威武!
Gary Lakes, tenor / Kolner Philharmoniker / James Conlon / 1992
15. Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg - Die selige Morgentraum-Deutweise' ... Selig, wie die Sonne (Sachs / Eva / Walther / David / Magdalene)
瓦格纳:《瓦伦堡的名歌手》 - 那解开幸福的早晨之梦的旋律……如太阳一般的幸福
Theo Adam, bass-baritone / Helen Donath, soprano / Rene Kollo, tenor / Peter Schreiner, tenor / Ruth Hesse, mezzo-soprano / Staatskapelle Dresden / Herbert von Karajan / 1971
16. Wagner: Siegfried - Was am besten er kann ... Nothung! Nothung! (Siegfried / Mime) (Forging Song)
瓦格纳:《齐格菲》 - 铸剑之歌
Siegfried Jerusalem, tenor / Peter Haage, tenor / Sinfonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Munchen / Bernard Haitink / 1991


回复: 2005年北京Case议事大厅~柠檬花园/第十山地师

师长 给讲讲登陆要随身带的重要文件有哪些 鼓掌ing
由版主最后编辑: 2009-01-21
回复: 2005年北京Case议事大厅~柠檬花园/第十山地师

a Canadian immigrant visa and Confirmation of Permanent Residence for each family member travelling with you;
a valid passport or other travel document for each family member travelling with you;
two copies of a detailed list of all the personal or household items you are bringing with you; and
two copies of a list of items that are arriving later.
Note: The lists should state how much your personal and household items are worth.

You must also bring with you enough money to cover living expenses such as rent, food, clothing and transportation for a six-month period. You may be asked to show proof of your funds.
Do not pack your documents in a suitcase. You will need to have them available to show to immigration and customs officials.
回复: 2005年北京Case议事大厅~柠檬花园/第十山地师

Depending on your personal situation, you should bring the following important documents with you to Canada:

birth certificates or baptismal certificates;
marriage certificates;
adoption, separation or divorce papers;
school records, diplomas or degrees for each family member travelling with you;
trade or professional certificates and licences;
letters of reference from former employers;
a list of your educational and professional qualifications and job experience (this is also called a résumé);
immunization, vaccination, dental and other health records for each family member;
driver’s licence, including an International Driver’s Permit;
photocopies of all essential and important documents, in case the originals get lost (be sure to keep the photocopies in a separate place from the originals); and
car registration documents (if you are importing a motor vehicle into Canada).


回复: 2005年北京Case议事大厅~柠檬花园/第十山地师



a Canadian immigrant visa and Confirmation of Permanent Residence for each family member travelling with you;
a valid passport or other travel document for each family member travelling with you;
two copies of a detailed list of all the personal or household items you are bringing with you; and
two copies of a list of items that are arriving later.
Note: The lists should state how much your personal and household items are worth.

You must also bring with you enough money to cover living expenses such as rent, food, clothing and transportation for a six-month period. You may be asked to show proof of your funds.
Do not pack your documents in a suitcase. You will need to have them available to show to immigration and customs officials.

Depending on your personal situation, you should bring the following important documents with you to Canada:

birth certificates or baptismal certificates;
marriage certificates;
adoption, separation or divorce papers;
school records, diplomas or degrees for each family member travelling with you;
trade or professional certificates and licences;
letters of reference from former employers;
a list of your educational and professional qualifications and job experience (this is also called a résumé);
immunization, vaccination, dental and other health records for each family member;
driver’s licence, including an International Driver’s Permit;
photocopies of all essential and important documents, in case the originals get lost (be sure to keep the photocopies in a separate place from the originals); and
car registration documents (if you are importing a motor vehicle into Canada).

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