回复: 急问 主动回电话给他们。。。
D dululu 106 2009-02-24 #29 回复: 急问 akaed1982 说: 就是,楼上的说的对.我回了信说正在找新工作了,所以没有办法提供雇主信.估计一个月内就会回复过还是不过 点击展开... you are so brave, 2 years waiting wasted.
回复: 急问 akaed1982 说: 就是,楼上的说的对.我回了信说正在找新工作了,所以没有办法提供雇主信.估计一个月内就会回复过还是不过 点击展开... you are so brave, 2 years waiting wasted.
D dululu 106 2009-03-05 #31 回复: 急问 akaed1982 说: 哈哈,回复说已经递交香港了.老天保佑, 希望以后不要再抽查到我了 点击展开... congraulations,so fast!
D dululu 106 2009-03-10 #32 回复: 急问 akaed1982 说: 哈哈,回复说已经递交香港了.老天保佑, 希望以后不要再抽查到我了 点击展开... did they say you pass the sponorship? because even you didn't pass the sposnorship if your IMM1344EA is checked to process it will still forward to HK office. you have to receive a confirmation of sponsorship passed.
回复: 急问 akaed1982 说: 哈哈,回复说已经递交香港了.老天保佑, 希望以后不要再抽查到我了 点击展开... did they say you pass the sponorship? because even you didn't pass the sposnorship if your IMM1344EA is checked to process it will still forward to HK office. you have to receive a confirmation of sponsorship passed.
D dululu 106 2009-03-10 #35 回复: 急问 akaed1982 说: 有人没有通过担保资格,资料也会递交香港吗? 点击展开... yes if you check the checkbox continue to process my case. However I check refund minus 75$
回复: 急问 akaed1982 说: 有人没有通过担保资格,资料也会递交香港吗? 点击展开... yes if you check the checkbox continue to process my case. However I check refund minus 75$