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I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS! 简直不敢相信!我的评论短文被登在了今天的省报上(THE PROVINCE, FRIDAY JUNE 5, 2009)。前天我看到省报上刊登了一篇名为“LOCK THEM UP, UNTIL THEY ARE CLEAN”的文章,由ETHAN BARON撰写,该文的主要意思是,政府针对吸毒者的现行政策没有丝毫的逻辑可言,放任吸毒者,提供毒品、注射屋,既浪费纳税人的钱,也造成黑帮猖獗,不但是社会的长久大患,而且是危害这些无力拯救自己的人。该报鼓励公众回应作评论,我就立马写了一篇三段的评论,今天在报上看到登了我原稿的近一半。我对该文作者的意见表示支持,并阐述了我的观点。原文如下,蓝色第一大段(到“NIGHTMARE”S为止)就是今天刊登出来的部分(结合其他读者的评论)。
It’s really good to see logic and common sense in Ethan Baron’s article, which is so scarce in newspaper articles on the drug addiction problem these days. I always find it absurd when I hear people say that we have no right to force people to get their drug addiction treated. My reaction is,”Why don’t you let people go when they commit suicide? Why don’t you give them right to steal from or kill you? Why do you stop them to do that? What would you do if your child became a drug addict? Oh, that’s his/her right, isn’t it? Why do you force them to be corrected? ” When drug addicts slowly kill themselves with drugs, together with stealing, prostitution and robbery to support this life style, is it right to defend their “right” to demand public money to maintain their choice of such lifestyle? Where are the rights of other people who work or study hard every day? Don’t they have the rights to have their taxes used in the right way? Don’t they have the right to be protected from theft and robbery? And what about the families of the drug addicts? Don’t they have the rights to live a normal life, instead of being involved in the cyclical nightmares?
If there are policemen who abuse the addicts, it’s the problem of the police, not the solution of forced rehab. That’s completely another issue. Those abusive police also possibly abuse other criminals, like thieves, murderers and gangsters. Why don’t we free all of them because of these abuses? On the other hand, the addicts are the customers, market and “life line” of those of the drug industry, those who do not hesitate when shooting each other for drug money. Why do we complain about the endless gun-shooting cases, while we turn our back when so much has been fed into the rampant growth of the drug market?
Sometimes, I feel those so called “human right advocates” are hypocrites. If you really care about drug addicts, give them what is really good for them, i.e., ridding them of their addiction, which is the only way to pull them out of the hellhole and from the dangers of lost limbs, AIDS, sex abuse, crimes and death. They have lost their ability to save themselves. Those who advocate the “addiction rights” for addicts are like pushing people over the edge of a cliff to “help” them commit suicide. They in effect are encouraging people to rob, harm and kill others and even themselves. Their argument is nothing but hypocritical, cold hearted, and ruthless, in total contrast to what common sence and good conscience calls for.
真高兴在 ETHAN BARON的文章里看到了逻辑和常理,这种针对戒毒问题的正面评论在报纸上很少见。每当我听到人们说:”我们没有权利强迫人戒毒”时,我总觉得很荒谬。我的反应是:“为什么有人自杀时,你不任由他们自杀?为什么你不给别人权利偷你或者杀了你?如果你的孩子成为吸毒者,你会怎么做?为什么你要阻止他们呢?”当吸毒者用毒品慢慢杀死自己时,并用偷窃、卖淫、抢劫,来维持他们的这种生活,我们有什么理由为他们辩护,理直气壮地要求纳税人出钱,来维持他们的这种“选择”?那些每天辛苦学习或工作的纳税人没有权利吗?他们没有权利把他们的税用在正当途径吗?他们没有权利受到保护,不被(吸毒者)偷窃或抢劫吗?那些吸毒者的家人没有权利吗?他们没有权利过正常的生活吗?他们没有权利不被卷入家人吸毒而造成的恶性循环吗?
以下为ETHAN BARON的原文网址,