回复: 2005年北京Case议事大厅~柠檬花园/第十山地师
『栀子花开』 [诗歌散文]The Pursuit of Happyness[/SIZE]
而那些坚持了下来的人,就能够和Chris Gardner一样,真正感受得到幸福来敲门时的那种狂喜,甚至最终忍不住,让泪水湿润了自己的双眼。而此时的泪水,早已不再是酸涩的、苦楚的。
没有人不想让幸福来敲自己的门,可是,却不是每个人都能够和Chris Gardner一样,在面临事业不顺,生活潦倒,妻子离弃,花好几个小时的时间去教堂排长队而争取得到教堂救济的住房,甚至贫穷到要去卖血,才能勉强维持自己和儿子一个月的生活的情况下,却从没有放弃过,甚至还不时地鼓励儿子不要灰心,要乐观。
幸福的生活最终没有抛弃Chris Gardner。Chris Gardner最终凭借自己的努力,脱颖而出,不但获得了股票经纪人的工作,而且后来创办了自己的公司,成了不折不扣的百万富翁。
虽然,Chris Gardner的经历并不是每个人所经历过。但是,幸福的生活来源却都是一样的。幸福生活前期的挫折和失败,是每一个人所一定会经历过的,只是,却不一定是所有人都能够和Chris Gardner一样,如此乐观地坚持过来的。
场景一:Chris Gardner和儿子躲在地铁候车室的公厕里过夜,怀里抱着睡得正香甜的儿子,门外却有人不停地推门,这条汉子看着睡在怀里的儿子,终于忍不住不停地流泪。
对于Chris Gardner来说,这绝对是最酸涩的眼泪了。他的生活可以说穷困到了极点。可即便如此,Chris Gardner始终没有放弃。第二天醒来,他一如往日地继续着他的骨密度扫描仪推销以及证券公司实习生的工作。
场景二:Chris Gardner和他儿子在篮球场上的那段对话,You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.
听似简单,其实却有着很强的震撼力。深陷生活困境的Chris Gardner不仅没有让儿子去感受他所深陷的那种生活困境,反而是用乐观地语气教育儿子,不要灰心,一定要乐观,努力去追求梦想,才能让梦想变成现实。
场景三:从为了争取到证券经纪公司的实习机会,仅为高中毕业的Chris Gardner凭借着自己的执着和努力付出,以及不放弃每一个有希望可能的机会,他最终从20名实习生中脱颖而出,成为一名正式的证券经纪人。
这六个多月来,Chris Gardner的付出,让我们再一次相信,机会是靠自己去争取的。优越的工作也只青睐于有准备和有付出的人。想想现实中的我们,别的不说,一听六个月的实习是无薪的,估计大部分人马上就打退堂鼓了。可Chris Gardner却坚持下来了,在克服期间一切困难的同时,却也努力地去抓住每一个有希望的可能的机会。
就情节而言,整部影片其实非常简单。但表现出来的主题却是非常震撼人。Chris Gardner父子勇敢和乐观地挺过一个又一个的生活困境所折射出来的那种精神,给人带来的已经不仅只是感动,更多的是应该是鼓舞和震撼。
精彩对白 Chris Gardner:You have a dream, you got to protect it.
Chris Gardner:People can’t do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it.
Chris Gardner:You want something. Go get it!
Martin Frohm: What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?
Chris Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.
There is an I in "happiness",There is no Y in "happiness",It’s an I
I’m the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don’t know the answer,I’m gonna to tell you that I don’t know.But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I’ll find the answer,.
What would you say if a guy walked in for an interview without a short on and I hired him? What would you say?
He must’ve had on some really nice pants.
Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can’t do something, not even me.
You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can’t do it.If you want something, go get it. Period.
--You gonna trust me, all right?
-- I trust you.
Thomas Jefferson mentions happiness a couple times in the Declaration of Independence. May seem like a strange word to be in that document, but he was sort of… He was an artist.
Lord, don’t move that mountain, give me strength to climb it. Please don’t move that stumbling block, but lead me , Lord, around it. My burdens, they gets so heavy, seem hard to bear, but I won’t give up. Because you promised me. You’d meet me at the altar of prayer.(唱诗班的动情演绎)
The pursuit of happiness
Last night I watched a movie called the pursuit of happiness. The movie is about a bright and talented, but marginally employed salesman, Chris Gardner, who works very hard for going out of the lowest of his life. His wife walked away. So he has to take care of his son. He tried to get a new job. He and his son even loved in a toilet of a subway station, and he tried to finish his work early so that they can get a free bed in a poor house. For him, life is really not easy, but he never gives up. So finally he got a good job and his life also changed.
I think the secret of his succeed is never give up! Face the unchangeable situation and the unfair status in society, Chris didn’t complain like others. Because he knew that he couldn’t reform all the irrational rules and regulations, the only way to pass the difficult situation is to give his best shot what is we should learn in our life.
In the realty, you may be successful. You are pretty. You are rich enough. You’ll be transferred and promoted. But have you ever ask yourself a simple question:Are you happy? Seems everyone has his or her own trouble no matter how rich they. I seldom think about this seriously. Seems I am always happy, sometimes I also have trouble though. I have a happy family. I have many good friends. My major is what I enjoy. I feel content about what I have, I really do. And I think what I should do is cherish all what I possess.
I won’t live in a way what all the rest do. Perhaps it is effective. But I think the process of living is more important than the consequence. All the splendid information is in the process. What are many people don’t care. They always work hard to pursue what is called result, even not care if it is what they want.
If we want to have a bright future, if we want to live a better life, if we want to live a better life, if we want to succeed in obtaining. So please make it clear what you possess present. And the most important is never give up.
Pursuit your dream, you will happiness!