家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版


回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪



[FONT=宋体]古董[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]艺术品[/FONT] 2000%
[FONT=宋体]珠宝[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]玉石[/FONT] 1000%
[FONT=宋体]香港[/FONT]H[FONT=宋体]股[/FONT] 600%
[FONT=宋体]房地产[/FONT] 500%
[FONT=宋体]黄金[/FONT] 350%
[FONT=宋体]石油[/FONT] 200%
PPI 180%
GPD 120%
CPI 45%
[FONT=宋体]债券[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]储蓄[/FONT] 36%
[FONT=宋体]大陆[/FONT]A[FONT=宋体]股[/FONT] 25%

[FONT=宋体]艺术品和珠宝指数[/FONT] - - - [FONT=宋体]富豪幸福指数[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]房地产指数[/FONT] - - - [FONT=宋体]富人幸福指数[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]上证综指[/FONT] - - - [FONT=宋体]穷人幸福指数[/FONT]
CPI - - - [FONT=宋体]贫民幸福指数(穷人痛苦指数)[/FONT]


2010Q4 [FONT=宋体]投资方向:[/FONT]

1. [FONT=宋体]海外房地产市场[/FONT]
2. [FONT=宋体]海外金融和矿产品市场[/FONT]
3. [FONT=宋体]奢侈品和古董市场[/FONT]
4. [FONT=宋体]西部基础建设和矿山能源[/FONT]
5. [FONT=宋体]二三线房地产市场[/FONT]
6. [FONT=宋体]一线城市服务和流通行业[/FONT]


最后编辑: 2010-09-04
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

Please be advised that initial assessment of your application has been done and your case is now pending the issuance of medical instruction forms. However, in order to minimize the time that we hold the passport (s), and provide you with the longest possible validity on your immigrant visa we will only be issuing your medical instruction in the coming months. Please be assured that this will in no way effect the processing time of your application.
Please do not write to our office to request medical instructions, we will contact you when the medical exam/passport is required. Again, this will not change or delay the processing time of your application. Should your contact details change please advise us.
If are represented by an Agent it is our department's policy to use the Agent's mailing address for all legal documents such as medical instructions and visa(s). Should you wish to receive your medical instructions or visa(s) directly please have your Agent email our office stating that they have no objections: beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca
Thank you for your cooperation,
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

只有全职研究生才算25分 (在职/函授研究生/周末MBA 不算25分)


谢谢。 不然对自己影响比较大。
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

Please be advised that initial assessment of your application has been done and your case is now pending the issuance of medical instruction forms. However, in order to minimize the time that we hold the passport (s), and provide you with the longest possible validity on your immigrant visa we will only be issuing your medical instruction in the coming months. Please be assured that this will in no way effect the processing time of your application.
Please do not write to our office to request medical instructions, we will contact you when the medical exam/passport is required. Again, this will not change or delay the processing time of your application. Should your contact details change please advise us.
If are represented by an Agent it is our department's policy to use the Agent's mailing address for all legal documents such as medical instructions and visa(s). Should you wish to receive your medical instructions or visa(s) directly please have your Agent email our office stating that they have no objections: beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca
Thank you for your cooperation,

回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

Please be advised that initial assessment of your application has been done and your case is now pending the issuance of medical instruction forms. However, in order to minimize the time that we hold the passport (s), and provide you with the longest possible validity on your immigrant visa we will only be issuing your medical instruction in the coming months. Please be assured that this will in no way effect the processing time of your application.
Please do not write to our office to request medical instructions, we will contact you when the medical exam/passport is required. Again, this will not change or delay the processing time of your application. Should your contact details change please advise us.
If are represented by an Agent it is our department's policy to use the Agent's mailing address for all legal documents such as medical instructions and visa(s). Should you wish to receive your medical instructions or visa(s) directly please have your Agent email our office stating that they have no objections: beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca
Thank you for your cooperation,

回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

Please be advised that initial assessment of your application has been done and your case is now pending the issuance of medical instruction forms. However, in order to minimize the time that we hold the passport (s), and provide you with the longest possible validity on your immigrant visa we will only be issuing your medical instruction in the coming months. Please be assured that this will in no way effect the processing time of your application.
Please do not write to our office to request medical instructions, we will contact you when the medical exam/passport is required. Again, this will not change or delay the processing time of your application. Should your contact details change please advise us.
If are represented by an Agent it is our department's policy to use the Agent's mailing address for all legal documents such as medical instructions and visa(s). Should you wish to receive your medical instructions or visa(s) directly please have your Agent email our office stating that they have no objections: beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca
Thank you for your cooperation,
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

Please be advised that initial assessment of your application has been done and your case is now pending the issuance of medical instruction forms. However, in order to minimize the time that we hold the passport (s), and provide you with the longest possible validity on your immigrant visa we will only be issuing your medical instruction in the coming months. Please be assured that this will in no way effect the processing time of your application.
Please do not write to our office to request medical instructions, we will contact you when the medical exam/passport is required. Again, this will not change or delay the processing time of your application. Should your contact details change please advise us.
If are represented by an Agent it is our department's policy to use the Agent's mailing address for all legal documents such as medical instructions and visa(s). Should you wish to receive your medical instructions or visa(s) directly please have your Agent email our office stating that they have no objections: beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca
Thank you for your cooperation,

VO对你可算优待啊!不过“the coming months”还是满纠结的,这一s,不知道要几个月。唉
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪


96-03年 出售国有资产+人口红利(人均GDP1000USD)
03-12年 出售矿产和土地+人口红利(人均GDP1000-3000USD)
13-20年 通货膨胀(人均GDP3000-10000USD)
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

只有全职研究生才算25分 (在职/函授研究生/周末MBA 不算25分)


谢谢。 不然对自己影响比较大。

回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪


最后编辑: 2010-09-05
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

Please be advised that initial assessment of your application has been done and your case is now pending the issuance of medical instruction forms. However, in order to minimize the time that we hold the passport (s), and provide you with the longest possible validity on your immigrant visa we will only be issuing your medical instruction in the coming months. Please be assured that this will in no way effect the processing time of your application.
Please do not write to our office to request medical instructions, we will contact you when the medical exam/passport is required. Again, this will not change or delay the processing time of your application. Should your contact details change please advise us.
If are represented by an Agent it is our department's policy to use the Agent's mailing address for all legal documents such as medical instructions and visa(s). Should you wish to receive your medical instructions or visa(s) directly please have your Agent email our office stating that they have no objections: beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca
Thank you for your cooperation,
In order to minimize the time that we hold the passport (s), and provide you with the longest possible validity on your immigrant visa we will only be issuing your medical instruction in the coming months. Please be assured that this will in no way effect the processing time of your application.
[SIZE=+0]Please do not write to our office to request medical instructions, we will contact you when the medical exam/passport is required. Again, this will not change or delay the processing time of your application. Should your contact details change please advise us.[/SIZE]
If are represented by an Agent it is our department's policy to use the Agent's mailing address for all legal documents such as medical instructions and visa(s). Should you wish to receive your medical instructions or visa(s) directly please have your Agent email our office stating that they have no objections: beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca。 我理解coming months 起码应该是在今年吧。还有9-12月这几个月份了。别着急啊。共同期待。我2007年5月FN,2009.11提交材料并12,此后一直等待ME。
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪


我的情况和这位TX类似啊,在路上碰见一个同事就问“呀?还没走呢?” 工作生活都受到很大影响呀!:wdb14:
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

Please be advised that initial assessment of your application has been done and your case is now pending the issuance of medical instruction forms. However, in order to minimize the time that we hold the passport (s), and provide you with the longest possible validity on your immigrant visa we will only be issuing your medical instruction in the coming months. Please be assured that this will in no way effect the processing time of your application.
Please do not write to our office to request medical instructions, we will contact you when the medical exam/passport is required. Again, this will not change or delay the processing time of your application. Should your contact details change please advise us.
If are represented by an Agent it is our department's policy to use the Agent's mailing address for all legal documents such as medical instructions and visa(s). Should you wish to receive your medical instructions or visa(s) directly please have your Agent email our office stating that they have no objections: beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca
Thank you for your cooperation,





注册帐号. 太容易了!


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