家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版


回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪


回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪



[FONT=宋体]古董[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]艺术品[/FONT] 2000%
[FONT=宋体]珠宝[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]玉石[/FONT] 1000%
[FONT=宋体]香港[/FONT]H[FONT=宋体]股[/FONT] 600%
[FONT=宋体]房地产[/FONT] 500%
[FONT=宋体]黄金[/FONT] 350%
[FONT=宋体]石油[/FONT] 200%
PPI 180%
GPD 120%
CPI 45%
[FONT=宋体]债券[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]储蓄[/FONT] 36%
[FONT=宋体]大陆[/FONT]A[FONT=宋体]股[/FONT] 25%

[FONT=宋体]艺术品和珠宝指数[/FONT] - - - [FONT=宋体]富豪幸福指数[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]房地产指数[/FONT] - - - [FONT=宋体]富人幸福指数[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]上证综指[/FONT] - - - [FONT=宋体]穷人幸福指数[/FONT]
CPI - - - [FONT=宋体]贫民幸福指数(穷人痛苦指数)[/FONT]


2010Q4 [FONT=宋体]投资方向:[/FONT]

1. [FONT=宋体]海外房地产市场[/FONT]
2. [FONT=宋体]海外金融和矿产品市场[/FONT]
3. [FONT=宋体]奢侈品和古董市场[/FONT]
4. [FONT=宋体]西部基础建设和矿山能源[/FONT]
5. [FONT=宋体]二三线房地产市场[/FONT]
6. [FONT=宋体]一线城市服务和流通行业[/FONT]



回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

看了这么多回信,不知道是不是都是一个人回的。猜想可能不是一个人回的,措辞可能不一样。也许都是要准备发ME了,一个人可能会告诉你过几个月给你me letter,还好心解释了为什么要过几个月。另外一个人比较懒,人也不是很善,就索性生硬的说,你的申请还在under review。
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

看了这么多回信,不知道是不是都是一个人回的。猜想可能不是一个人回的,措辞可能不一样。也许都是要准备发ME了,一个人可能会告诉你过几个月给你me letter,还好心解释了为什么要过几个月。另外一个人比较懒,人也不是很善,就索性生硬的说,你的申请还在under review。

回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

我的回复也是:Your application is under review. Please be patient.看来背调真的影响进度,估计这批的体检是没戏啦。
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

"in queue for review"和“under review”,哪个更快点儿出结果?
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

"in queue for review"和“under review”,哪个更快点儿出结果?
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

91 8月的FN,使馆给的回复

Please be advised that we have completed the initial review of your application which is now in queue for mailing of medical instruction forms. In order to minimize the time that we hold passport (s), and provide you with the longest possible validity on your immigrant visa we will only be issuing your medical instruction in the coming ** months. Please be assured that this will in no way effect the processing time of your application.
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

91 8月的FN,使馆给的回复

Please be advised that we have completed the initial review of your application which is now in queue for mailing of medical instruction forms. In order to minimize the time that we hold passport (s), and provide you with the longest possible validity on your immigrant visa we will only be issuing your medical instruction in the coming ** months. Please be assured that this will in no way effect the processing time of your application.
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

91 8月的FN,使馆给的回复

Please be advised that we have completed the initial review of your application which is now in queue for mailing of medical instruction forms. In order to minimize the time that we hold passport (s), and provide you with the longest possible validity on your immigrant visa we will only be issuing your medical instruction in the coming ** months. Please be assured that this will in no way effect the processing time of your application.

回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

91 8月的FN,使馆给的回复

Please be advised that we have completed the initial review of your application which is now in queue for mailing of medical instruction forms. In order to minimize the time that we hold passport (s), and provide you with the longest possible validity on your immigrant visa we will only be issuing your medical instruction in the coming ** months. Please be assured that this will in no way effect the processing time of your application.
使馆也太能忽游了. 不知道就不知道吧,还弄俩*.真是欠揍. 回信问他,到底啥意思.
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

Please be advised that the status of your application has not changed since our last e-mail reply to you.

We understand that you wish to be informed of any changes in your status; therefore we welcome you to visit the Case Status Request page on our web site: http://www.canadainternational.gc.c...sier.aspx?lang=eng-case-status-request-en.asp

Please understand that our office cannot provide you with an update of your status by email on a regular basis, but rest assured that we will contact you if necessary.

Thank you for your continued interest in Canada.
回复: 9.1技术移民北京最新进展追踪

Please be advised that the status of your application has not changed since our last e-mail reply to you.

We understand that you wish to be informed of any changes in your status; therefore we welcome you to visit the Case Status Request page on our web site: http://www.canadainternational.gc.c...sier.aspx?lang=eng-case-status-request-en.asp

Please understand that our office cannot provide you with an update of your status by email on a regular basis, but rest assured that we will contact you if necessary.

Thank you for your continued interest in Canada.





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