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工作签证 想去加国做住家保姆

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两个STEP18个月指的是:Person to be sponsored lives in Canada /被担保的人居住在加拿大境内
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大部分都在观望等待,顺带发点牢骚。但我还是坚持自己的意见,团结不起来,肯定是没有结果的,所有的项目只有live-in caregiver 的stuck 了。明显的是来自雇主之外的另类abuse, 如果我们不团结起来,造成舆论的力量,永远不会有结果。
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回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

现在事实摆在眼前,政府的RED TAPE大家也都领教了,或许唯一有点希望的就是大家要团结起来,别管你是递申请了还是没递,这个不重要,没递申请的谁能保证到你递时,审理的时间就能缩短,递了的谁能保证过两、三个月PR就拿到手了,谁都不敢说这种话。关键是重在参与,如果只有几个人在那蹦哒,没有人会答理你,但一旦形成规模,政府不可能置至不理,起码让他们知道我们对此表示不满,平等自主的权力都是自己争取的,没有人会站在他的位置上替你着想嘀
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回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

从去年9月我就有为我们的不合理待遇讨个说法的念头,因为我有和政府打交道的经历, 知道他们心底里是怎样对待保姆的。结果大部分的人的是事不关己,高高挂起,有的认为自己快了,没有必要来跟我们搅混水了,有的认为自己还早,到了自己申请的时候就是个例外了。结果呢,有谁例外了?有谁知道自己的等待还有几天? 几年?
我当时真是心凉凉的。我开始自己搜一些信息,我羡慕菲律宾人,虽然说林子大了什么鸟都有,有的菲律宾保姆的确是给了某些雇主一些借口,把保姆说得一无是处,说我们的不合理待遇是我们自己找的。但如果每个菲律宾保姆移民了之后就把以前的伤口掩藏起来享受新生活,那还有现在的各种各样的菲律宾保姆协会吗? 还有2010年4月1号的改变吗?
现在没有人要求姐妹们去做危险的事情,就是为你自己的前途,为你的家庭,为你的孩子去争取自己的权利,让我们为自己的权利和菲律宾人联合起来,壮大队伍,让呼声更强烈些,有什么危险让你却步呢?要知道 移民局针对的是整个住家保姆群体。

在这里我没有针对某个人,我指的是整个观望的群体,因为我想起了鲁迅笔下八国联军杀中国人时中国人的观望,外国人当时没有杀你就与你无关吗? 最后真的无关了吗? 所以请不要对号入座。


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两个STEP18个月指的是:Person to be sponsored lives in Canada /被担保的人居住在加拿大境内



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good news.
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我打算根据自己的经历提出一些要求,比如立法,强制雇主支付支票,更严格的合同和工资单,缴税,出了差错要追查雇主的责任,换雇主等待新的LMO和WORK PERMIT时间长,造成了保姆宁愿忍受也不换雇主,也就铸就了更多的ABUSE, 这些对我来说都是过去式了,但我还是要提出来,希望不会发生在新来的保姆身上。

根据我们的两年的PROGRAM ,我们强烈要求工作满两年后自动成为移民身份,或者孩子家人能先过来生活,否则时间越拖越长, 对谁都不公平,他们浪费了纳税人的钱还有理由对我们变相精神虐待,所以还是呼吁不论你是哪个阶段的姐妹们,为了自己,争取一下。
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

They just don’t make things like they used to.
For over a century, Canada has been actively recruiting domestic workers (now called live-in caregivers) to work for Canadian families in their homes. According to Professor Audrey Macklin, during the 19th century “[l]ive-in domestic service provided the least desirable type of legal employment open to women. Few [Canadians] were attracted to it, and most left it as soon as possible.” As a result, the “demand always exceeded the supply.”
Today, Canadians continue to refuse to toil as live-in caregivers but the demand for these workers remains high. With our growing elderly population, this demand is expected to increase exponentially in the next few years.
Caregiver advocates have been critical of the various recruitment models adopted by the Canadian government over the years. A recent campaign calls for a return to a model that existed until World War II, when single, white, British women made up the majority of foreign domestic workers recruited. These British women were admitted by immigration authorities as permanent residents. This only changed when the number of European women who were available to work in Canada decreased.
As foreigners from Asia and the Caribbean began dominating the pool of foreign domestic workers, a new recruitment model emerged. Immigration privileges were systematically clawed back to the point where, in 1973, workers were no longer afforded permanent residence before or after arriving in Canada.
After the failings of this recruitment model became known, the immigration department created yet another one. A policy known as Foreign Domestic Movement (FDM) was crafted in 1981 to admit foreign domestics as temporary workers while later affording them an opportunity to apply for permanent residence if certain conditions were met. The department tweaked this “temporary to possibly permanent” recruitment model over the years, but its failings persisted. In 1992, as part of the effort to address those failings, FDM was incorporated into immigration regulations and renamed the Live-in Caregiver Program (LCP). Despite the smoke and mirrors, however, the “temporary to possibly permanent” recruitment model was unchanged, and the problems associated with it persisted.
Until recently, little was done by the governments of the day (federal and provincial) to address the persistent problems foreign caregivers experienced. These problems were not exclusively the result of abusive employers and unscrupulous recruiters. Indeed, many had to do with the difficulty of navigating a complex bureaucratic maze of requirements and procedures contained in supposedly helpful resources, including the immigration department’s own instruction manuals, application guides and website information, and inconsistent advice from call-centre agents. This complex system caught many live-in caregivers unawares and, often through no fault of the caregiver, the outcome was an unfair or inhumane refusal.
On April 1 this year, Immigration Minister Jason Kenney announced the implementation of a series of changes to the LCP that were intended to give better protection to foreign caregivers from abuse and exploitation, and to provide them with a fair and equitable path toward permanent residence. On Aug. 18, more changes affecting live-in caregivers were announced, and are to come into force on April 1, 2011.
Despite the rhetoric, however, these changes do not in any way upend the “temporary to possibly permanent” recruitment model that has failed many foreign caregivers for many years. For as long as this flawed recruitment model remains intact, unfair and inhumane outcomes will continue. Moreover, many of these workers will continue to accept work under conditions that fall far below acceptable Canadian standards; many will work with little complaint.
Foreign caregivers will continue to arrive in Canada to work as indentured labourers. For as long as Canada keeps its doors open, thousands will desperately wait in line for the opportunity. To many, our Live-in Caregiver Program represents their only hope of immigrating to Canada and leaving behind a life of abject poverty.
Under the current recruitment model, caregivers will continue to be separated from their spouses and children for three to five years. Caregivers, therefore, do almost anything to avoid delay in getting through this nightmarish program. They will continue to accept substandard working conditions, continue to largely remain silent about abuse and exploitation, and only in very extreme circumstances will they have the desire to expose abuses.
Changes to the Live-in Caregiver Program are meaningless unless the main source of the problem ― the recruitment model ― is changed. In particular, live-in caregivers should be admitted to Canada as permanent residents. This approach has been called for by caregiver advocates. It has also been called for by scholars. And it has been called for by the Canadian people, whose voices can be heard through their representatives in the House of Commons. It is not “radical,” as it is the same recruitment model once offered to domestic workers ― mostly single, white, British women ― recruited to Canada up until World War II.
If the government is genuine in its desire to protect foreign caregivers and afford them a fair and equitable path to permanent residence, it is time to adopt the “permanent resident upon arrival” model of old.
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

最近很多人都查到网上的e-case的,,,我2011年3月交的,这几天也查到in process... 可能从这两个月,移民局在开新files,弄这e-case,wyqt MM再去查一下,如果网上没有,打到CIC call centre也能查到,有时候只是网站还没更新




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